Romeo, Juliet and their Lovers

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There was once a love story that ended in tragedy, Romeo loves Juliet and Juliet loves Romeo, their parents forbid it, then death fell upon the lovers. But what if the story had more to it than meets the eye?

The play started and Sick Benio and Shimon sat together coincidentally to watch the play.

"Why are you here?" Shimon asks.

"I'm sick." Benio replied sniffling after.

"Then who's playing Juliet?" Shimon asks making the two of them stare at the curtains.

The play starts.

Rokuro enters the stage.

After a few scenes, the spotlight points to Mayura, the Juliet, and the two of them couldn't be more awkward.

Their two lovers sitting watching their play couldn't be any more nervous.

'Shouldn't they have to kiss?!?!?'

The two thought to themselves.

'I'll have to stop this one way or another..." Benio thought to herself.

But Shimon acted first.

He went straight to the stage with a cape from the props department.

"Who is this man with a strange cape?!?!" The Narrator exclaimed.

He paced towards the sleeping Mayura and held her close.

He faced Rokuro. "This is my woman. How dare you steal her from me!" The audience screamed with joy and jeers.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Rokuro mouthes.

"Just play along." Shimon mouthed back.

The Narrator couldn't be more confused when Benio entered the stage as well.

"Romeo? What are you doing with that woman?" The crowd watched in awe.

Rokuro didn't know what to do and glanced at the narrators.

The Narrators shrugged and mouthed "just go along with it"

'oh no...' he thought to himself.

"Rosaline... My love- I..." Rokuro acted out.

"A sudden twist of fate... The lovers of Romeo and Juliet appeared out of nowhere!" The Narrators narrated.

" I, and only I am right for you, don't you ever forget that!" Shimon pulls Mayura towards him.

Their lips grew closer and closer.

Then finally, they met.

The crowd cheered as the two shared a passionate kiss on stage.

Benio and Rokuro stood still and watched in awe.

"That's their first kiss right?" Asked Rokuro.

"Yeah..." Replies Benio.

"Juliet wakes up from her slumber to find Paris kissing her." The Narrators narrated.

"Paris?" Mayura said softly.

The family of Montague and Capulet enters the scene in confusion.

"The two have finally woken up from their confusion! Hahaha!" Count Capulet exclaimed.

"Let us join our family with both Rosaline and Romeo." Count Montague added.

"And the two families joined together in harmony." The Narrators narrated.

The curtains closed and the play was finished.

They had their final bow and everything was perfect.

Except for the fact Mayura's father Seigen is in a fit of rage sitting at the back of the crowd.

Author's note:

I'm back babies!!! So what happened wasn't that I had nothing to write, it turned out it was depression! Yay!

Well I'm fine now, and I kind of want to finish this work with a better grasp of grammar, and a better mindset.

This story will be both hilarious and romantic.

Thank you to the ones who stayed to read the story, and please stay tuned for more chapters to come.

The end is near and I can smell it, or it might just be my toast burning.

Let's help each other make this story grow.

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