A secret/ The Amawaka Clan

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-Mayura's AOV-

"Mayura! Are you ok? Are you hurt? oh, my precious baby girl..." This voice... its... Mom! I suddenly felt tears flowing down my cheek... but they aren't mine... Mom... Why is she crying? "Ma'am, please step away from the child" Two men suddenly came in this metallic room. They are wearing a black suit, and glasses. Why are they here? "She is badly injured by the large amount of Spell Power consumed by the ''tool'' . We need to take her away for further experiments and research." "No! Nooo! I want to stay with Mom! Mom!"

-End of Dream-

"Mom!" i quickly woke up with tears in my eyes, to see the walls of the Amawaka House. Wait... i was dreaming? But... it looked so real! Mom... wherever you are, i hope you and dad are safe...

"Mayura-sama? I heard crying, are you ok?" Yuzuru asked in the hallway. I quickly wiped my tears and sat up. "I'm fine, don't worry so much Yuzuru." She then went inside my room and sat beside me in my bed. " Are you sure?" I gave her a smile and held her hand. "I'm fine Yuzuru, just relax." i reassured her with a smile on my face. " Ok then, just tell me if there's anything wrong. And breakfast is ready, just go to the dining room if your'e ready for breakfast." She said with a worried look on her face. "Ok." I gave her a smile.

-3rd Person's View-
-At the Dining Room-

Yuzuru: I'm really worried about Mayura-sama, she's been acting off lately...
Jinya: Yeah, she was even distracted during sparring the other day, i wonder whats happening to her.
Yuzuru: I know! Let's invite Ikaruga-sama, Unomiya-san, Yurushi, and Her friends from Mainland! It always makes her happy to see all of her friends around!
Jinya: I dont trust that Ikaruga or that Unomiya guy. *He said with his eyes glaring at the floor*
All of the Amawaka Clan Members except Mayura, Yuzuru& Jinya: us too
Yuzuru: Well, it seems you all dont want Mayura-sama to be happy! *She crossed both her arms*
All of the Amawaka Clan Members: But we do! *they all said in sync*
Yuzuru: Then let's make Mayura-sama really Happy!

-Later that day...-
-At the living room-

Mayura: where are they? Guys... are you there?

-Mayura's AOV-

"Where are they? Guys? Are you there?" I said looking for them, but all that i could hear was silence. Is this another dream again? Am i asleep? *Pinches her cheeks as hard as she could* Nope... But, where are they? We are supose to meet with Arima-sama for his special assignment... but where did they run-off to?!
I then went to investigate where they could have been.

I first went to the training hall, but all i could see was... Jinya-san's glasses. Where could they be?

I then searched our old house, though no one was there, i saw new tables and chairs, same with glasses and plates... what in the world is happening here? Are one of my clan members having a birthday?

But i just checked the calendar... and were not celebrating anything! Ugh... where are they?!

I wonder....

Yuzuru's AOV

Hmm... what to do...? I have already set up the old house, What to do now...? I thought as i was exiting the old house.

I wonder what Mayura-sama likes... well for instant she loves to make music... and then-
I paused as i saw Mayura-sama in front of the old house. Her face is full of worry... i hope she is okay...

After i was far away from the old house, i encountered one of the female clan members. "Hey Yuzuru-san, do you think tenth would like this? I really don't know what to give her...
" She said showing me a small enchanted dagger. "Of course she would! Mayura-sama always appreciates our gifts and company. Why not now?" I reassured her with a small smile on my face.

"Thank you Yuzuru-san!" The woman said with enthusiasm.
"Ok, be careful, Mayura-sama is still around and she might see us, and dont keep your guard down." I said as reminder.

As i was walking by,  i was in shock to see Jinya and the others bringing a huge well wraped box with holes in it. "What in the world is that?!" I exclaimed as i was pointing at the box.  He smiled, and said its a secret.
They all then went a head to the old house, while the others got spotted by Mayura-sama and decided to distract her. Though my biggest concern here is that... what was in the box?!

Hello readers!
It has been a long time since iv'e published a new chapter and thinking, i will publish more chapters after the 1st quarter, but i was denied by fate! And now were heading to the 3rd quarter, from there, i hope i can publish more chapters and finally finish the Fan-fict and head to my new one... or just stop and continue reading Fanficts, Originals, and other stuff.
Well, i hope you all enjoyed reading this new chapter, and thank you for reading!

-Konoha Utsusuya

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