Arrange Marriage!

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Hi readers just a little Author's note here, i hope all of you are safe in your houses due to the Corona Virus outbreak. Anyway, i read the manga of Sousei no Omniyoji, Chapter 78, and to my surprise, Mayura has grown,(The only thing that hasn't grown is the ship. Sheesh iv'e been waiting for so long T^T.)So for the following chapters, this fanfic might have some spoilers from the manga, if you want to continue, please do.

It was two days after their meeting. Looking eye to eye, it was pretty awkward for Mayura and Shimon. I mean, just imagine, you and your crush or the person you admire, finding out that you are currently Engaged, but you don't know your feelings for each other. Now, wouldn't that be awkward? It may be a blessing in disguise to other people out there but not for these two.

Mayura's AOV

Just looking at Shimon makes me uncomfortable, not because i don't like him, it's just awkward. We were given a house by Arima, and we live there now, it's just two blocks away from the Ikaruga and the Amawaka house. He was really sad giving this house away, since he was the one who recommended our parents to get us Engaged, this was the price he had to pay. The house is a Large Two Story Mansion filled with security cameras, and twelve living spaces. With an underground training hall full of training equipment, with a swimming pool in the backyard. And of course Arima's favorite, a large Master bedroom.

The house was really unnecessary, but i guess our parents thought so. Living with Shimon was great actually, now, we can train together more often. The only thing bugging me is the sentence Hoji-sama used. "Let them bare as many Children as they want." 'Oh no... I said it out loud!' Shimon looked at me surprised. Then the awkward silence came. We both immediately blushed looking down. 'Is he thinking about it as well?' I asked to myself hoping i won't say it out loud. Shimon sighed then faced me laughing with a short smile on his face. "Mayura, look at me." He said with his face bright red. I faced him with my face red. "What do you think about this Engagement?" He looked at me seriously, his Icy Blue eyes filled with anxiousness. I looked at him in shock. His sentence surprised me, looking at him now, he isn't just Mister Icy Mentor, but a different person all together. "A-and what do you think about... M-me..." He added looking down. In this moment, i feel that we have a connection, like we feel the exact same way. I smiled at him giggling, he looks like a little kid. The aura around us changed as we faced each other, looking eye to eye. I blushed, just thinking that he likes me, what more to actually discovering that fact! I glanced at his trembling clenched hands, his nervous blue eyes, his lips tugged by his teeth. I smiled, knowing the answer. "I love it." I said smiling with no hesitation, i knew what i felt for him, I'm not just admiring him from a far right now, because i want to be there for him as life goes on, to be with him wether it would be at home, or at any place, at anytime. Shimon's eyes widen. I knew what i felt, I love him. "A-and i love you." I added, I'm surprised I managed to stutter my confession.

Shimon's AOV

'She loves me, she LOVES me, SHE LOVES ME!' I thought to myself surprised and happy at the same time. I gave out a smile and carried her by her waist circling around laughing like a fool, a fool smitten by his soon to be wife. "You made me the happiest guy in the world!" I said as i hugged her closer. "Woah, easy there!" She said to me giggling. We both laughed as i sat her down on the couch. After talking about things, we decided to take our relationship to the next level with five easy steps,

Step # 1: Have a Date
Step # 2: Holding hands
Step # 3: Compliments
Step # 4: Feeding each other
Step # 5: Kiss

I know it's kind of straight forward, but we got these tips from Mitejima-san. I assume she used this for the Twin Stars as well. I looked at her can't help but to laugh, she seems serious about this, she has even appointed a day already. She looked at me with her head tilted. "What's so funny?" She said pouting. I smiled, she acts childish sometimes that i can't help but to smile amused. "Nothing's funny my love, continue." She looked at me with her face flushed red. "What's wrong?" I looked at her confused. "My love..." She said in a low voice. 'Oh!' I looked at her disappointed. "You don't like it?" I asked her in a low voice. "N-no! I love it!" She said waving both of her hands. "Just give me time to adjust to it." She said looking down with her face flustered. I laughed at her then pinched her cheek. "Hey no fair!" Mayura said reaching out to my cheeks to pinch them. "Your not fair, you're pinching both of my cheeks!" I said reaching out to the other. We did this until both of our cheeks were red.

We both laugh then she started the conversation. "So... When did you start to like me?" She said with her cheeks starting to blush. I smiled at her then softly answered. "Hmm, let me see... Maybe i started to like you when we first met..." Her face started to go red. I smirked then started to give out the details. "When you went to the shower room... Seeing me completely-" She cut me off covering my mouth with her two hands, while her face was completely flushed red. "Sh-shut up!" I held both of her hands then removed them from my mouth. I smiled at her then held both of her hands on mine. "I'm serious." I told her as we held each other's eyes; looking up close, her eyes seem to have an effect, that as if you were in the vast ocean, free from all worries.

Suddenly, the front door opened. "Surprise! Arima-sama told us you guys were Engaged! So why not cele-" The door opened showing Enmadou and Adashino-san with a cake on their hands. We faced them still in our position. Now mind you, the couch we're sitting in is beside the front door. Looking eye to eye with the couple, my eyes were filled with rage. I marched to Enmadou glaring at him. "What were you here for again?" I said pinning him on the wall. "N-nothing! Nothing really, we were just by. You can continue on what your doing! Hahahahaha." He said looking at the right frightened. Mayura started to giggle. "Honestly, you guys are just like little kids." She said with Adashino-san by her side. "I told him to give you guys some space to give you time to adjust to your current situation, but he wouldn't listen. He said, this is the perfect time we can repay Mayura for what she has done for us! Then bought the cake dragging me along to your new home." Adashino-san said with her hands crossed. "Honestly, it's alright. You don't have to, it's fully paid." Mayura said with her her arms crossed smiling. "R-really!!" Enmadou said jumping up his feet. "Yep, only if you treat us to a meal that is. And that cake is just dessert." She said full of determination. "Wh-what?! Mayura!!! Aren't we Childhood Friends?!" Enmadou said scrawny. "Hehe, no way! I cooked a meal for you, Adashino-san and Kinako, and that cost me a lot of yen. So you need to repay me!" She said smirking evilly. Honestly, this girl... Ah, at least I'm not the one paying. We all laughed and chatted until sundown as the couple said their goodbyes. I glanced over to Mayura. "So what's for dinner?" "Curry with a side of chocolate cake." She answered smiling, while I can't help as to smile as well. We went our way to the kitchen, then i watched her cook, she's a pretty great cook actually. I smiled as i glance at her. Her slim back figure caught my eyes, wearing an apron, then someday we would have little children running around asking, 'hey Mommy! What's for dinner?' then, playing around the house, after that, we'll have daily exercises. Just imagining a family with Mayura is great, what more in reality. Now, I'm more than looking forward to this Arrange Marriage, I'm excited for now, and for the future. The only thing left is to buy her a ring. The problem is, She's 16, but I'm 18, so I'm the only one legal to get married. Damn it, we have to wait two years for it to happen!!!

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