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Elio is nasty as he fucks me. He came deep inside me, then buried his face between my ass tonguing my hole with his cum trickling out of me. His calloused hand firmly grips my hard, leaking dick. Each of his strokes is slow. 

He'd denied me from cumming. Each time I got close, he'd squeeze my dick tight causing me to grunt and cuss under my breath. 

I'm panting like a dog in heat. I bury my face in the silk pillowcase. Fuck. I never wanted to be this open with another man like this.

He wiggles his tongue around in my ass and I clenched around the soft muscle. I thrust my hips into his strokes. I'm fucking his hand desperate to fucking cum, Elio tightens his hand around my dick again.

He trails kisses down my spine making me arch my back a little more. 

"I need it," I whined like some bitch as I pressed my ass onto his dick. Elio teases me with the head of his dick, only pushing in enough to give me a small taste.

"Caro mio, (My dear)."  The low, dark voice of Elio sticks to my sweaty skin and I can feel his breath on my skin as he leans in closer. I close my eyes, my heart pounding in my chest. 

I had no idea what the fuck he just said, but he repeats it repeatedly as he stokes me faster. My head spins and my balls tighten. He sinks his teeth into my shoulder, and I let out a pleasurable cry as my whole body shook underneath him. He keeps pumping my oversensitive dick. My breath is uneven and shaky.

I'm begging for him to stop. He doesn't until I'm shaking harder, cumming in his hand, dripping onto the bedsheets. My body goes limp. I roll over on my back, Elio licks my cum from his fingers. 

Shit. Having sex with Elio Bianchi is a mistake. He can blackmail me now if he wants.

His gaze falls downward to the smooth, dark expanse of my neck. He comes down trailing his nose against my skin smelling me, he lifts my leg and rests it on his shoulder. Elio kisses the curve of my foot, then my ankle.

Next, Elio captures my lips in a possessive kiss.

As the hotel room door beeps open, a rush of cool air from the hallway fills the room. A vibrant, feminine voice fills the air. "Oh, you're fucking someone."

"What the hell do you want, Jane?" Elio shoves his dick in me, I gasp gripping his muscle arms.

"Your Black Card. I want to go shopping."

"You went shopping yesterday."

I cleared my throat and the woman giggled; she came into view, her ginger curls bouncing with her. Her eyes smiling before she was. "Hi, I'm Jane, Elio's wife," she said. "And Elio, if you don't want me telling our parents that you're out here fucking men again, you better give me your card."

"W-Wife?" I choked out as Elio hit into my spot.

"Yes, wife," she said. "But don't mind me, umm? Your name is?"

Is this woman really asking me for my name while her man fucks into me? Elio slaps my face.

"My wife is speaking to you. Answer."

"Ev-Everest," I said.

Elio tells his wife to grab his wallet from his pants that are thrown on the dresser. Jane takes his card and then kisses Elio on the lips. Her dark maroon lipstick rubs off on his lips. "You taste good, Everest, and Elio, try not to break him."

She smiled before waving goodbye as she headed out the door.

"You got a motherfucking wife?" I hissed.

Elio slammed up into me. I dig my nails into his arms. "Out of convenience," he said. "You don't have to worry about her. She does her own thing. And right now I'm doing mine." 

I feel him in my stomach. He presses down on my lower abandon and now I have the urge to goddamn piss. 

Author's Note

Okay, I have no real idea what this story will be about. I just caught a vibe at 4 am for a  mafia leader and a thug. So let's all vibe together because idk where I am going with this shit lol.

THIS IS A  MPREG story so we know what to expect from this REALLY. 

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