CH 1: I Need You, Everest (Rewritten)

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"You Top?"

"Verse," I said over the loud booming bass of a Megan Thee Stallion song.

The guy smiled at me as he waved down the bartender for another round of tequila shots. It's the bedroom eyes he gives me that tell me he doesn't just want a casual fuck, that he wants a long night of lovemaking. His fingertips delicately traced the intricate patterns of my veins.

As the bartender arrived with the tequila shots, the guy swiftly picked one up drinking, his lips meeting mine, seamlessly transferring the hot liquor between us. Tequila spilled from the corners of our mouths in a heated, sloppy kiss.

For a few passing seconds, Elio flashes through my head. That fucking bastard. I bit the lip of the guy. He told me his name earlier in the night, but I didn't care about his name. I just wanted to fuck or be fucked.

"Enjoying yourself Mr. Jensen?" Elio's cool, calm voice made me grunt into the kiss.

I ignore Elio, I grab another shot from the bar. The guy I'm with asked if I knew Elio. "No." I end up telling him, slamming the shot glass on the bar. Elio stands in front of us sipping his drink. I was Elio Bianchi's bitch, best way to put it since I was giving my ass to pay for my father's treatments.

"Why the fuck are you here, Elio?" I finally asked.

He shrugs and looks around the club before his eyes settle back on me. "You didn't answer any of my calls," Elio said. "So I came to find you."

I didn't even want to ask him how he knew where I was. Elio is a powerful man, so I'm sure he had eyes and ears everywhere when it came to me.

"You ready to fuck?" I asked, as I pulled a condom out of my pocket. We push past Elio and go to the restroom. The guy asked if we could go to a hotel or somewhere cleaner. I'm just tryna busted a quick nut.

He stops his complaining when I get on my knees on the grimy restroom floor. I tore the condom open and put it in my mouth, slipping it on his dick. His dick didn't compare to Elio's.

Gay sex and a gay bar restroom were the norm. People would walk in and mind their business if they saw you getting bent over a sink and getting fucked. Maybe it was the exhibitionism in me that liked the public display of sex with a stranger I'll never see again.

"Mind if I watch you two?"

Somewhere over the muffled music, running water, and flushing of toilets, I hear Elio's voice.

I don't see him at first until he comes squatting down beside me as I deep-throat this guy's dick.

He placed his hand on the back of my neck; his thumb tenderly stroking at the side. Then he whispered in my ear, something Italian sounded like some slick shit, but I couldn't tell.

I moaned around the guy's dick when Elio palms me through my jeans. He's teasing me, making me want more than just the palm of his hand. I was reminded of the sex I have had with Elio. How angry and rough it could be, how gentle and passionate it could be. Sometimes it could be both.

"I think that's enough," Elio said, looking up at the guy with a threatening look.

He popped his dick from my mouth and stuffed it into his pants, scurrying out of the restroom and bumping into people who were coming in. It's the look that Elio gives me like he wanted to skin me alive that made me want to run. 

I'm suddenly pinned in the corner of the restroom. Elio's in my face. His hand was around my neck. I could feel his angry heart beating against my chest and the warmth of his breath against my skin.

"You mad 'cause I sucked another guy's dick?" I laughed in his face. Too bold of a thing to do.

"I thought we had an agreement?" Elio's voice rumbles like low thunder in his chest.

"We do," I said. "I fuck who I want. You fuck who you want. So I was fucking who I want. Is there a problem now?"

He smiles as his hand tightens around my throat. "No," Elio said. "It's no problem at all." I could feel the pressure of his fingers on the side of my neck, his nails piercing my skin.

There was fire in his eyes, and if I persisted in pushing him, I would be the one to get burned.

"Then let me go."

His body pressed into mine like he wanted us to melt together in the heat of our bodies. Then there comes the soft, tender kisses along my jawline. Elio's hard dick pressed against my crotch. My breath caught in my throat when he softly bit my earlobe. Pushing my body against his a moan emerged from me. I wanted the friction badly. Desperately wanted something from him, but I didn't want to break down like some little bitch begging Elio to fuck me.

"I think I want to change the agreement," he said.

"What for?"

Elio doesn't answer me right away. He kisses me greedily and possessively, with his tongue down my throat. I taste the whiskey he had earlier. Not the cheap shit, but the expensive shit that comes from overseas.

Pulling away just enough he has me begging for his tongue again. The added pressure of him squeezing my neck almost made me cum in my jeans.

"To keep you. To have you all to myself. So you will not fuck who you want anymore."

I lift my brow. "And If I don't agree?"

"You will if I tell you to." There's a glint of darkness in his eyes and the corner of his lips pulls into a smirk.

Honestly, I don't know why I thought I had a say in any of this. From the beginning of this trade, I was Elio Bianchi's bitch. Somewhere between lust and greed, I wanted every inch of this man.

"You act like you own me."

"But I do. The moment you laid in my bed, you became mine."

"Funny," I said. "Cause you drugged and raped me."

I don't even remember everything from my first night with Elio a few months ago. He had given me a drink and my memory cuts off after that one drink. The following morning, I woke up with an aggressive headache, and cum and blood leaking from my ass.

"So?" His gaze held mine for an intense second.

I hit his hand away from me. Pushed myself off the wall to walk away from him, but he grabbed me, slamming me against the wall. My body jolted a bit from the impact.

We said nothing for a second. Then another second passes. The bar's music got louder; leaking through the thin restroom walls. Elio looks at his hand gripping my arm and loosens up. His face softens a bit as he says something under his breath in Italian.

"Sorry," he said like some scolded child.

I couldn't be sure what he was sorry for.

He speaks again as he straightens himself up making him look larger and taller than he was. "I have a job for you early in the morning. You are to make a pickup at the border. Some of my men will follow you. Just to keep an eye out on things."

Before Elio leaves, he kisses me, and his hand gently caresses the small of my back, creating a sensation that is both comforting and electrifying.

It's strange how I felt something else within his kiss. As if almost saying "I need you, Everest."

Author's Note: 

I rewrote this chapter a bit from the first original chapter since I wrote that one in a rush to get something out. Hopefully, this one is a little better.  

I may rewrite all the chapters, but maybe after the book is completed, maybe. 

If you want, you can follow me on IG at Eliza_Ann_B  

Thanks so much for reading! and omfg wow, we're almost to 13k!!!

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