The Price of a Miracle

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Sonic didn't stick around to hear the responses of his friends. He knew they would be aghast, upset, angry even. But this is what heroes do, right? They protect until their bitter end. Sonic felt he was no exception to this rule. That's why he made this decision against their choices. They would've wanted him to save himself. But he couldn't live with that choice, knowing he left the city in danger.

He flew through the air at lightning speed, towards the town he loved so dearly. The energy of the Chaos Emeralds prickled through his now golden fur, electrified his quills, and made him seem like a god. He could still feel the heavy weight of the flowers rooted in his lungs, but with so much mystical energy coursing through him, they remained silent, dormant—but far from dead.

He knew he'd made the correct choice when he arrived on the scene. Eggman's mecha was heavily armored and reinforced, so his regular spin dash attacks would've done nothing but ricochet him into buildings like a pinball. Thankfully, while Super, he would be able to cut through the armor almost like butter. It might take a few tries, but so did cutting butter that had been previously frozen.

He zipped in under the robot's fist, catching it and saving someone's car from being crushed, them along with it. He acknowledged their cries of thanks with a nod, adrenaline pumping and blood roaring in his ears. This machine was probably what Eggman wanted the emeralds for. Sonic clenched his fists.

"Hedgehog!" Eggman spat venomously. "I knew you'd show up sooner or later!"

"Damn straight." Sonic growled, floating back up after flicking the robot's arm. The robotic appendage flew up, still attached to the machine, with the force of Sonic's might. "No matter where you go, I'll be there to stop you."

"Oh ho ho!" The fat man sneered. "Not much longer, right? You used the Chaos Emerald's miracle to make yourself Super Sonic! You're still diseased!" He cackled. "With the strain our battle will give your body, I doubt you'll make it five minutes after letting those emeralds go!"

"Then I guess I'd better beat you up right quick."

"We'll see about that!" Eggman retaliated on his comment, making the robot swing at him with surprising velocity. Sonic bolted out of the way, curling up and speeding down against the reinforced titanium in the fastest spin dash he could accomplish. He left a large dent and scrapes, but bounced off before making any more progress.

Sonic doubled back, dodging another swipe and some homing missiles, trying again for the same spot. He was swatted away, slapped into the side of a skyscraper. He recovered quickly, leading away another homing missile before it could also collide with the building. As he braced to counter another missile, he watched it become encapsulated in a cyan glow and be launched back at its sender. Sonic glanced to his right as Silver levitated up beside him.

The expression on Silver's face was a heart wrenching combination of emotion. He looked utterly distraught, horrified even, by Sonic's choice. But on the other hand, he looked like he supported and understood his decision, as though he knew subconsciously that he would've done the same if he were in Sonic's shoes. He gave Sonic a wordless nod, hovering beside him with his psychokinetic energy.

Sonic saw the others arrive on the scene as well, with Tails and Amy in the cockpit of the Tornado, Knuckles gliding in to give the mecha a good smack, and Shadow flying up beside him via his air shoes.

"You're a fool." He growled harshly, glaring at Sonic with unreadable emotion.

"I would rather die than let Eggman level this city." Sonic replied, almost monotone. He averted his gaze from Shadow's eyes half out of caution and half out of shame. "That what a hero does."

Shadow scoffed softly, his searing gaze turning thankfully off Sonic and to the robot. "Incorrigible." He spat.

"You understand." Sonic supplied. "Now let's finish this thing."

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