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Dear diary,
New school, new faces meaning staring will happen. I don't like the stares, but I know I have to deal with it because I'm half way through junior year. I will just let them know to please stop staring. I don't even know why we are starting the second day we got here. Sometimes I wonder about people.

A knock on the door caused Brooklyn to look at the door. "Come in." She says as Charlie walked in. "Hi, dad. Is something wrong?"

"Thought I could check on you and see how you feel about being here. I can tell Bella isn't too happy, but you always stayed to yourself."

"Daddy, I love being here with you. It's just...I don't know if I will fit in or not." She confesses laying her diary down. "I know being here is a dream come true as I always wanted to be with you, but I'm just scared of judgmental looks..."

"There is nothing they should be judging you about, Brooklyn." He tells her. "I know my little girl better than anyone and I know they won't judge. They may stare because this town hasn't had new people in a very long time."

Brooklyn nodded as she stood up and headed to her closet to get ready for today. Charlie shook his head at Brooklyn. He hopes someone is okay with the way she is. Walking away, Brooklyn went to her door and shut it. Taking a deep breath in. Brooklyn Swan was ready for today.
Arriving at school, Brooklyn got out just to hear Bella's truck causing her eyes to widened as that was embarrassing. Taking a deep breath in, Brooklyn managed to avoid eye contact with every one and get inside. She never paid attention to a set golden eyes watching. Luke was curious about this girl as she walked in. "She's the one." Alice says.

Looking at his sister, Luke glared as he walked away. He needed to control his anger before he sets someone on fire. Jasper shook his head as he looked at Alice. "He will be fine. You know how his anger is."

"She can help him."

"I hope so." Rosalie says. "I wouldn't mind her as she is beautiful, but knowing that she can calm him down, then I'm all for this human. I am not putting out another fire."

They looked at her shock as she walked into the school to meet that one girl. "Did she just agree to a human being involved?"


"I think it's the end of the world." Edward tells them. "Let's get this day over with."

They nodded as they walked in.
"Why are you talking to me?" She asked the blonde. "Not being rude, it's the stares I'm getting."

Rosalie looked to see them all staring at them. "Brooklyn, don't worry. You are not like them. That's why I'm talking to you." She tells her just for Brooklyn to bump into Luke.

"Watch it!" He says as most of the others stared with concern.

Brooklyn bent down to get her books. "Sorry for bumping into you...." She looked up and saw a very handsome man.

Luke calmed down the moment his golden eyes looked into brown eyes. "Sorry." He says as he started helping her causing Rosalie to stare in shock just like the rest. "I'm Luke."

"Brooklyn." She tells him as he gave her the last book. "Sorry again."

"It's fine. I wasn't paying much attention."

Brooklyn smiled. 'I'm going to head to class. Thank you."

Rosalie stood beside her brother as he watched her. "So?"

"I'm going to know her."

"You better. Your attitude changed." She tells him. "I think you need to give her a chance."

Luke couldn't believe what she just said. He did calm down and she's rooting for them to talk. Looking for Brooklyn, Luke was wondering what made her calm him down. Seeing her talking to another girl like they've known each other for a long time had him wondering one thing. "Who are you, Brooklyn?"
When lunch came, Brooklyn found her a table to herself and smiled as she pulled her book out and started reading while she took her carrot from her tray to munch on. When the Cullens came in, they noted the others weren't staring like normal, but staring at the one girl Rosalie actually like. Brooklyn Swan. She was at their table, but wasn't staring or noticing the stares.

Jessica gasped as she saw Rosalie walk to Brooklyn. "Bella, that's Rosalie and Emmett. The table your sister is at is their table. This may not turn out well."

Luke walked around Alice and Jasper to their table where Brooklyn was. "Hello, Brooklyn." She looked up to see Rosalie.

"Hi, Rosalie. Hi, Luke."

Everyone was shocked that Luke Hale sat down beside Brooklyn Swan. "Hello, Brooklyn." He replies. "I wanted to apologize for the way I acted this morning."

"It's okay." She tells him. "Like I said before, it's okay. You don't have to feel guilty for anything." She smiled. "I mean, we can start over and get to know one another better."

Luke saw the other new girl staring. "Who is that?"

Looking, Brooklyn blushed as she saw her sister. "That is my big sister Bella." She tells him. "She's a curious person."

Just those words had the Cullens worried. Luke on the other hand was focusing on Brooklyn. He wanted to know her. She was the only person to keep him calm so he wonders why one human could calm him down. He had to know her.
Sometime that day, Luke walked along side Brooklyn. "You don't talk much, do you?"

"Not really." She responds. "I'm a very shy girl, but once I get to know the person, I'm still quiet."

"I can tell." He says. "But that what makes you different from the others. You aren't trying to stick your nose into someone's business, you aren't wanting to ask me or my brother out, and you don't stare."

"First one is Bella, second one is someone who is desperate. Finally, Bella. She is the curious one. I rather stay out of someone's business as it's not mine." She tells him as she made it to her last class. "How about we get to know one another better?" She grabbed his hand and wrote her number down on his hand. "Just call me and text me. Talk to you later."

Luke watched her go into her last period class. He looked at his hand and smiled. I will know you, Brooklyn.

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