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Sleeping in was one thing Brooklyn wasn't expecting till she felt someone shaking her. "Go away."

"Brooklyn Swan, it's time to get up or I'll drag you to school in pajamas."

She looked at her sister with a look. Bella laughed as she walked out knowing Brooklyn wouldn't go to school in pajamas unless she's on her period.

Getting up, Brooklyn went to her closet to grab her clothes causing Bella to walk out to give her privacy. Brooklyn sighed as she had to get ready, but at the same time, she didn't want to go as she rather be in bed. "I guess that's what I get for being up let."

Going to her closet, her mind went back to a certain boy named Luke Hale. He was another reason why she was up so late. After yesterday, she must know him. Hearing her phone, Brooklyn walked over to it. "Hello?"
At the Cullens, Luke smiled. "Good morning, Brooklyn. I was thinking about us riding together, if you want to."

Luke waited for a reply till he heard this. "Okay, but if they stare at me because you don't socialize with any one at school till I came." She tells him. "I'm just nervous."

"If they stare, I will handle them. I want to know you, Brooklyn Swan and if I get the chance to be alone with you so I can know you better without someone butting in." He heard her laugh. "If they stare, all it takes is one look from me. Okay?'


"I'll see you in a few, beautiful."

At the Swans, Brooklyn smiled as he called her beautiful before hanging up. She doesn't know why it's her, but she will find out when she gets the nerve to ask him. Grabbing her clothes, Brooklyn started getting dressed. Seeing her diary, Brooklyn walked over as she put her shirt on and started writing in it.

Dear diary,
Why me?
Walking outside, Brooklyn noticed Bella was gone, but she saw Luke pulling in. She turned around and locked the door. Luke got out and watched her walked to his truck. "Hey."

"Hi.' She replies. "Um....Luke, I was going to wait to ask this, but it's driving me insane."


"Why me?"

Luke didn't have an answer to that. He shrugged as he didn't want to flat out say they are mates, he was going to try to keep this bonding slow that way she won't be afraid of him. "I don't know, but you are different from the others. Maybe that's why it's you."

Brooklyn sighed. "You lied for one, but I will take the lie for now. Till you decide to tell me the truth." She tells him. "Let's get this day started."

Luke helped her in the truck, but the touch was sending sparks. The two looked at one another before Brooklyn looked away with a blush on her cheek. Luke smiled as he shut his truck door and went to the driver side. "Well, Brooklyn, all I can say is consider yourself lucky. You are really the only person besides my family that I talk to." She smiled. "Come on, let's get to school and know one another."

Arriving at school, all eyes went to Luke who was usually here with his family, but when they watched him go to the passenger side, they were curious as to who it was. Then the shock, jealousy, envy, all emotions started coming out as they saw Brooklyn Swan getting out of the car. Brooklyn saw the stares and ducked her head down causing Luke to glare at everyone.

Feeling heat from him, Brooklyn touched her hand, that was usually warm, to his just for him to feel cold. He looked at her as she looked at him. "They can stare all they want, but you can talk to whoever you want. They can't control you or me."

Luke sighed as he calmed down. "Come on, let's get to your locker."

Everyone noticed how fast his attitude changed once again. "Is there something about Brooklyn that can make him calm down that fast?"

"I think there is."

"Could be soulmates."

The Cullens listened to the other students talk about Brooklyn and Luke. Rosalie smirked as she walked away with Emmett as Jasper and Alice followed. Edward may be gone, but they don't know the situation he put them in. Starting with how Brooklyn calms Luke down.
Bella saw her sister and walked over to her. "Hey." She looked and smiled.


"Can I ask for some advice? I know you never dated, but I know you are good at advice."

"Sure, Bella. You know I don't mind. What's bothering you?"

"I should have told you yesterday, but Edward acted like he smelt me yesterday and treated me like I was a disease." She tells her as Luke listened. "I don't think that family is human with how Edward acted."

"First, just because one acts odd doesn't mean they aren't human. Two, be blunt towards him and see what his problem is. Finally, don't jump to conclusions, Bella. You know what happens when you jump like that."

"I know and thanks. I will ask him what his problem is, but if I see something unusual, I'm going to find my answer then I will tell you."

Brooklyn just nodded as she learnt it's best to leave a curious Bella Swan alone when she gets like this. She watched her sister walk away just to turn as she shut her locker to bump into a chest. "You seriously need to stop that, Luke."

"How did you know it's me?" Luke asked.

"Because one, I know the smell of your cologne after you picked me up to get me in your truck, two, there are the sparks, three, you are taller than me, and finally, no one will come near me because of you. Now, do I have to answer any more stupid questions?"

Putting his fingers under her chin to get her to look at him, Luke smirked. "Really? Stupid questions?" He says as she nodded with his fingers still in place. "Let me tell you something, Miss. Swan. I was curious for one, two, people know not to mess with what is mine..."

"I'm not yours."

"Not yet, but that is after we get to know one another." He says as he leaned in closer. "After school, we're going to the movies. Let's see how long this goes."

Brooklyn watched him walk away causing her to say one thing. "What did I just get myself into?"

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