Chapter 6: One answer still not answered

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Time: 7:12 am (the next day)

(Test Tube's POV)
(This entire chapter is only in Test Tube's PoV)

I was laying down on my bed just sitting there with no actual reason. Where's Lightbulb? I slowly got up and opened the door and walked out. My eyes were hit with bright lights. Right I forgot that OJ made the lights this bright.

I got out of the room and was about to go to look for Lightbulb and then Cheesy came right in front of me seeming different but I couldn't tell. "Hey Test you wanna hear a joke related to cheese?". I was going to say no but why not?

"Yeah sure." Cheesy then brought out a bag of nacho cheese Doritos and handed it to me. "Hands up! That's nacho cheese!" I slightly giggled at that. "Ok fine that was kinda funny." I gave him back the Doritos.

I started walking towards the stairs and saw Paintbrush who just slammed me away while they walked away seeming like something was on their mind. That wasn't really necessary.

I walked down the stairs and held the part of my arm that Paintbrush mostly hit. Then I reminded myself of a really good theory of SpongeBob. Right what was the name? Alex Bale? Yeah.

Walking downstairs I got to the main part of the hotel weirdly there weren't as many of the others then other days. That's....... Odd. I walked to the fridge and saw Nickel at the table eating some yogurt.

Wait he eats?

I walked over to Nickel. "So how's that yogurt?" I remembered that Lightbulb said to be more 'interactive' with the others. Nickel gave me a look of confusion. "It's just vanilla." Just because it's vanilla isn't an excuse to not answer.

"Does that mean you can't tell me how it is?" He looked as if I beat him in a race. "It's..... Ok but you didn't have to just tell me to tell you." I mean that is true but he still has to answer a question.

I walked away and went to look in the cabinet for any food. I can eat something in he fridge but I don't want to feel the cold from it. I got away from the cabinet and went outside.

I wouldn't open the fridge door but I walk outside during the winter. Why didn't I just open the fridge door? I just stood there to get more used to the cold around me. "Hey Tube!" I turned around to see who called for me and saw Lightbulb.

"Oh hey Lightbulb." She seemed happy to see me which is surprising because the others don't really, like me. "So why are you out here in the cold?" I just looked at Lightbulb not knowing what my answer should be.

"Me, Fan and Cheesy need ya help." Help with what? All I can do is just talk and make machines. "Help with what?" Lightbulb just did that 'hey kiddo we're getting a divorce' look for some reason.

"Well I don't know what happened but Balloon is unconscious right now." WHAT!? "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME AT FIRST!?" Lightbulb seemed surprised that I actually care about Balloon's health.

"Well I didn't think you would actually help.". "Of course I would help! Balloon is another living object who wouldn't care!?" I looked at Lightbulb completely what she would say 'flabbergasted'.

"Alright I'll bring you to the room." She grabbed my arm (that Paintbrush hitted) and started to drag me to the room. It hurts but not as much as before. We continued to walk to the elevator and Lightbulb started the elevator.

Lightbulb started humming not any song in particular. I just stood there thinking about what Balloon might've looked like.


Lightbulb grabbed my arm again and started walking towards Paintbrush's and Fan's room and knocked and when no answer she literally broke the door into pieces.

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