The next day, Charlotte was walking through the city, trying to keep a low profile. She didn't like being recognized by others, especially when practically everyone in the city knew who she was. She was almost at her father's shop, where she usually spent most of her day.
Seconds later, she collided with someone on the sidewalk.
"Crap..." Charlotte, not exactly being the most graceful person on the planet, lost her balance and fell to the ground.
The man she collided with whirled around instantly, a look of grew panic on his face. "Oh, dear! I'm so sorry, Miss, I didn't see you there!" he exclaimed, holding a hand out to help her up.
Charlotte looked up at him, her eyes widening as she saw his face. It was the man from yesterday! What a coincidence- she had found him!
Her face flushed with both embarrassment that she had bumped into him and the fact that he looked...
...even prettier up close!
His eyes were a gorgeous shade of hazel and his brown curls crept out the edges of his hat at just the right length. She noticed he was wearing that same outfit he was wearing yesterday.
Snapping back to reality, she took his hand and he helped her up. "Sorry, sir. I wasn't looking where I was going." She dusted herself off, murmuring an apology.
"That's alright! It was my fault." The man chuckled, an apologetic smile on his face. His voice was loud and full of energy, which didn't really surprise Charlotte after what she saw yesterday.
"Uhm...what's your name...?" she asked, hoping to continue the conversation with him. She didn't want him running off again, which he looked like he would do at any moment.
The man's smile brightened. "My name is Willy Wonka! And I've come to the Galeries Gourmet to share my craft!"
"Willy Wonka..." she echoed. The name had a sort of rhythm to it- it rolled right off her tongue. "And...what's your craft?" She found herself even more intrigued, leaning in closer.
"Chocolate, of course!" Willy answered, seeming eager to explain this. "I've spent seven years traveling the seven seas to perfect my craft, and at last I'll finally be able to sell it!"
Charlotte made sure to hide her disappointment in this. Chocolate....? she thought to herself. He might as well quit right save him the trouble. "Chocolate, you say...?" she found herself saying.
He nodded. "Yes! Chocolate! Here in the Galeries Gourmet, each way that you turn, there's another famous chocolate store, and famous chocolatiers all around! Arthur Slugworth, Felix Fickelgruber, Gerald Prodnose...Just imagine, Miss; I'll be up there, selling my chocolates along with them in a matter of days!" His expression was so giddy, his eyes full of innocence. She hated to ruin that, but she needed to say something.
"Oh, that's not..." she tried to say, but Willy interrupted her.
"Say, what's your name, Miss?" he asked.
"Charlotte," she replied, debating on whether or not to reveal her last name to him yet. She ultimately decided not to.
"Well, Charlotte! Come with me, and I'll show you something outta this world!" Then, without a chance for her to respond, Willy ran out into the streets, almost getting hit by a taxi. She followed him to the front of the old, empty store that he had been caught daydreaming about yesterday.
"What are you-"
She cut herself off when Willy let go of his cane. It stood right up! How peculiar....she thought, tilting her head. He then stepped on his suitcase and stood up, clearing his throat to get the attention of the people in the Galeries. Charlotte had no idea what he was planning on doing, but she found herself unable to stop him, just watching as he called out.

For A Moment - A Wonka AU
Fanfictionwhy are people still reading this --- 17 year old Charlotte Fickelgruber wants one thing. And that's to put her dad out of business. Her dad is the owner of Fickelgruber Chocolates, one of the most famous and well-known chocolate factories in the wo...