Chapter 22: Cartel No More

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Back outside, the Chocolate Cartel emerged triumphantly from the Cathedral, waiting for the Chief of Police to arrive in his car.

Seconds later, a police car arrived and the door flung open. Inside, the Chief of Police struggled to smush himself through the door.

Seemed like the eighteen-hundred boxes of chocolates had started to get to him.

The Cartel exchanged awkward glances.

"Erm...take your time, Chief," Fickelgruber murmured.

"Car must've shrunk," the Chief explained as he finally pushed himself out of the car.

"Well, don't you worry, Chief. It's all under control." Slugworth cleared his throat. Couple of thieves broke in, but I'm afraid they were met with a little accident..."

"In which they died," Prodnose clarified.

"Well said, Prodnose." Fickelgruber smirked, then added, "For once."

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that," a voice said from behind them and they turned around to see Willy, Noodle, and Charlotte emerging from the Cathedral, dripping with chocolate. Charlotte held in her hands the precious green ledger.

"Wonka!" Slugworth's eyes widened.

"Officer, would you kindly take a look at this?" Willy said as Charlotte tossed the ledger to Officer Affable.

"It details every single illegal payment these gentlemen have ever made," she explained. "There are thousands of them."

Charlotte caught eye of what looked like Father Julius sidling away from them, but she didn't point it out.

"Don't listen to her, Affable!" The Chief exclaimed, waddling over to him. "She's lying!"

"Well, of course she is!" Slugworth spat, but Charlotte could see the nervousness in his eyes.

Officer Affable caught the ledger and began leafing through the pages, his eyes widening more and more after each page. "She's not lying, sir..." he whispered in disbelief, looking up from the ledger. "She's absolutely right- there's thousands of them! It's incredible."

After waddling his way over to him, the Chief tried snatching the ledger away from Affable. "Well, then, that sounds like a case for the Chief of Police. Hand it over, Affable. I'll take it from here."

But Affable didn't hand it over. He held a tight grip on the book. "I'm afraid I can't do that, sir."

"What? And why's that?" the Chief asked nervously.

Affable frowned. "Your name's in here too, sir. A lot."

Charlotte smirked and watched as other officers moved to arrest the Chief and the Cartel.

The Cartel exchanged glances and Slugworth said, "Gentlemen? Run!"

But just as they began to run, the Cartel began to float in the air!

What? Charlotte thought in confusion.

Willy flashed Charlotte a mischievous smirk and stepped forward, putting his hands on his hips as he looked up at the floating Cartel. "You didn't happen to eat any of those chocolates, did you, Mr. Slugworth?" he called out to him.

"Why?" Slugworth asked and grabbed onto the frozen water spout sticking out of the fountain. Fickelgruber grabbed his foot and Prodnose grabbed Fickelgruber's.

"Because they're Hoverchocs!" Willy answered both smugly and excitedly. "Delayed action, but extra strong!"

"You think you're so clever, Wonka?" Slugworth growled. "Well, there's a billion sovereigns worth of chocolate beneath our feet. We'll get the best lawyers, bribe the judge- rig the jury if we have to! We'll be fine."

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