The elevator arrived underground with a small ping.
The Mistress of Keys looked up, watching curiously as the elevator doors opened up, revealing nothing but a small box of chocolate with a notecard at the side.
The Mistress of Keys picked the box up and began to read the notecard, "'With thanks for all your hard work, Julius and the Chocolate Cartel'...Oh, that's sweet."
She opened the box and stuck the chocolate in her mouth.
Hidden above the elevator, Willy, Noodle, and Charlotte watched the woman's every move.
Charlotte glanced at Willy nervously. "Willy...that's the one that I made..." She fidgeted with her hands anxiously. "What if it doesn't work? What if I made it wrong?"
He put his hand over her hands to stop her from fidgeting. "It's okay, Charlie. I was with you when you made it- she'll react the same as the others did."
And he was right. Almost immediately, the Mistress of Keys started singing and dancing.
Charlotte let out a sigh of relief and watched in amusement as she danced throughout the room.
"I wonder what risky thing she'll do," she mused.
"Oooh...just wait..." Willy grinned excitedly.
The Mistress of Keys then hit the layer of whiskey fudge and started sobbing profusely.
"I've wasted my life! Could've been happy but I threw a pearl away!" she cried. "I'll give him a call."
She picked up a phone on the wall next to the vault and dialed a number. "Basil?" she said as the person on the other side of the call picked up. "It's Gwennie."
Charlotte and Willy exchanged astonished glances.
"What are the chances?" Noodle whispered.
"You were right- those days in chemistry class were the happiest days of my life," she went on, sobbing into the phone. But then she passed out and fell to the floor.
"Welp," Willy jumped down from the top of the elevator and onto the floor, Noodle and Charlotte following suit. "That's one Mistress of Keys down. Now we just have just one obstacle left."
He glanced over at Charlotte and she nodded, approaching the keypad connected to the vault door.
She took a deep breath. This was it. If she remembered it incorrectly or if the code got changed, then their whole plan would have to come to a stop.
She reached a shaky hand up to the keypad and began to slowly push the buttons one by one:
...5...9...7.After pressing each button, she held her breath as she pressed the green button at the bottom of the keypad and... opened.
Her heart skipped a beat when the door to the vault hissed and slowly began to open.
"I...did it...!" Her eyes widened with pure excitement.
Willy approached her with a big grin on his face. "Charlie, you're amazing!"
She blushed and gave a sheepish shrug. "Ah...Not really."
"Sure, you are!" Noodle said. "Without you, we would have had no clue what the code was!"
She pushed her way into the vault and grumbled, "Could've used process of elimination..."
The other two followed her. They were met with a bunch of pipes, valves, and machinery.
"Cool!" Noodle exclaimed as they made their way through the vault.

For A Moment - A Wonka AU
Fanfictionwhy are people still reading this --- 17 year old Charlotte Fickelgruber wants one thing. And that's to put her dad out of business. Her dad is the owner of Fickelgruber Chocolates, one of the most famous and well-known chocolate factories in the wo...