Chapter 10: Gotcha

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Meanwhile, back in his dimly lit room, Willy lay in his bed, hands resting behind his head, staring up at the ceiling as he waited. Come on, little fella, he thought to himself, don't be shy.

He would wait as long as he needed to- he was prepared this time.

He quickly shut his eyes and pretended to be asleep as he heard a noise coming from his window.

Seconds later, he heard something enter his room, followed by little footsteps that went tip-tap.

The tiny figure approached the jar of circular chocolates Willy had placed on the floor. But just as the figure reached out to take the jar...


The floorboard shot upward, hitting the figure flat in the face and sending it hurling backwards. It slammed into the wall and fell into a glass jar. As soon as it landed, the jar lid snapped shut and trapped the figure inside.

"Gotcha!" Willy exclaimed and leapt up from his bed.

"What in the devil? Let me out of here!" The little man tapped furiously at the glass. "I demand to be released!"

" you can speak!" Willy exclaimed, quickly grabbing the jar and taking it to his desk.

"Of course I can speak!" the man huffed. "Now, let me out of here or I shall shriek." When Willy didn't let him out, he said again, "I said, let me out!"

"Not until I take a good look at you." Willy switched on the light and began expecting the little man trapped inside the jar. "Wow..."

"Good evening," the man grumbled and straightened his jacket.

"So you're the funny little man who's been following me!" Willy watched the little man in awe. He'd never seen anything like him.

"Funny little man?" the man echoed. "How dare you. I will have you know that I am a perfectly respectable size for an Oompa Loompa." He puffed out his chest defiantly.

"Willy blinked in confusion. "I- I'm sorry, and Oompa-what now?"

"In fact," the man went on, paying no attention to Willy's confusion, "in Loompaland, I am regarded as something of a whopper. They call me Lofty."

Willy didn't say anything else. He was too busy staring at the presumed Oompa Loompa named Lofty.

"So I will thank you to stop gawping at me as though I was something unpleasant you found in your handkerchief," Lofty continued. "I find it uncomfortable and frankly, rude."

Willy looked away sheepishly, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Sorry..."

"Now, let me out of here!" The Oompa Loompa changed the subject back to his imprisonment. "You have absolutely no right to go around embottling innocent strangers."

"Innocent?" Willy raised an eyebrow, a look of disbelief on his face. "Okay, hold on now, you've been stealing from me for years!"

"Well, you started it!" Lofty tapped at the glass.


"You stole our cocoa beans!"

"Willy's eyes widened, utterly offended at the accusation. "I- what- what are you talking about?"

"Do you mean to say that..." The Oompa Loompa blinked at him. " don't even remember?"

"Remember what?!" he exclaimed.

"The day you..." Lofty sniffled. "...destroyed my life."

Willy stared at him. "No. I don't remember that," he said flatly.

For A Moment - A Wonka AUWhere stories live. Discover now