Chapter 7: A Bonk on the Head

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The wind blew colder than normal tonight, blowing like blades against Charlotte's cheeks. She shivered. Despite having lived in the city for so long and being used to its menacing temperatures, it didn't mean she was immune to it. Willy stood beside her with his hands in his pockets as they waited for the two officers to crunch their way through the snow to them. She could see him shivering as well. It must have been worse for him, she realized. He shot her a nervous smile and she forced one back.

"It's so cold..." he murmured. "Should've come in the middle on June."

"It is the middle of June," Charlotte commented.

"You'd best be on your way, Affable," the Chief said from a distance, leaving Charlotte silently praying that Affable wouldn't leave.

Affable raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure, sir?"

"This is between me and Mr. Wonka." The Chief shooed him off.

When he hesitated, the Chief said in a slightly louder voice, "Affable! I said to leave us!"

With that, the officer turned on his heel and walked away, leaving just Charlotte, Willy, and the Chief of Police alone in the dimly lit city square. The Chief waited until he was out of sight before turning back to them.

"Look, if this is about Abigail-" Willy started, but didn't even get the chance to explain before the Chief had already grabbed him by the collar and forced his face right into the water fountain. "I've got a message for you, pal!"

"Willy!" Charlotte gasped.

The water from the fountain had been frozen from the cold, but the force of the Chief's hand caused Willy's face to break through it instantly, his face immediately being met with freezing cold water. Charlotte watched in horror as the Chief held him down, not giving him a chance to breathe.

"Chief, stop it! You'll drown him!" she cried and tugged at the Chief's arm. The Chief simply shoved her to the ground, paying no attention to her.

"You won't sell chocolate in this town!" the Chief yelled, before finally pulling Willy back up to breathe. "You got that?!"

Willy blinked the water out of his eyes and coughed, a look of pure shock on his face. "Not really, I'm afraid!"

"Oh, so you've got a mouth, huh?!"

His face was shoved into the water again. Charlotte winced.

"Chief! I'm sure you can just-"

"Hush, Charlotte!" the Chief snapped and yelled again. "I said, you will not sell chocolate in this town!"

When he pulled him up again, Willy was out of breath. Charlotte knew his whole body must have been numb from such cold temperatures. She wasn't surprised when he stumbled to the ground.

"N-No, sir, I don't have a mouth- well, I do have a mouth," he panted, "but I had water in my ears, so I couldn't hear what you said!"

"Oh, right...That does make sense..." the Chief murmured sheepishly and let go of him. Charlotte rushed over to help him up. "I'm sorry, I'm all out of whack today. I don't actually want to be doing this-"

"I don't want you to be doing this either!" Willy exclaimed.

"-It's only for the chocolate, I swear. I wouldn't be doing it otherwise," he finished and Charlotte rolled her eyes.

Stupid Slugworth, she thought, clenching her fists in anger. Oh, who am I kidding? Stupid me! If only I had warned Willy sooner...

She internally kicked herself at her stupidity. What was wrong with her? Why was she so hesitant to tell him these things? Was it because she just didn't trust him? No, that was wrong...She did trust him! Whatever the case, she made herself a mental promise that she wasn't going to keep anything from him any longer.

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