7. Reena

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As usual I was watching a series on my tv because my phone was dead. Whoever invented television thank you so much, what would I had done if my phone died and I have nothing to do.

The male lead finally kissed the female lead which eventually lead to a horrible sex.

Soon I found myself touching all over the body and the temperature of the room getting hotter and hotter. My body was warm and I felt good touching myself. I kept squeezing my boobs and twisting my nipples hard, they were now very pointy and reflecting through my top. I removed my top and got into my blanket. Slowly taking my hands down I reached towards my clit and kept circling. When I was wet enough I pushed my two fingers inside me and moaned. My forehead was sweating and some of my hairs stuck to the sweat. I kept finger fucking myself when I remembered the glimpse from what happened yesterday. I got distracted and suddenly looked at the mirror to my left. I saw Vijay on me, he was fucking me while his mouth was covered with sex drive and I moaned his name. When I realized I suddenly flinched and got into my senses.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Reena!" I cursed myself.

I got dressed and changed the series to a comedy one to distract my mind from what just happened.

*A day before*

"Come sit in front." He said.

"No I am scared."

"Don't be scared I am sitting right behind you."

It was the first day of learning how to ride a bike.

He sat behind me and started explaining me the functions from coming in front from my right side. I could sense his breathes on my neck and ears and I could smell his Cologne. If I was asked about what I found hot about him, it was definitely how he rides bike. When he is wearing an helmet and a shirt with buttons open in starting, his grey eyes popping between the helmet and his veins bursting out, that was the most sexy shit I had ever seen about a guy.

"Is everything clear?" He asked and I realized that I didn't listen to any of the details but I still nodded like a fool.

"But you keep your hands on the handle too, if I lose balance please handle it."

"Don't worry just relax your shoulders." He said and gently touched my shoulders and it helped me to reduce my stress.

I started riding bike and sometimes lost balance but he handled it brilliantly.

We sat at nearby bench.

"To be honest it was pretty good for first day."
He complimented while fixing his hairs.

"Umm... What was good?" I asked hestitaly.


"Yeah right!" I said too loudly.

"What you thought?" He asked.


Ohh God Reena why are you so distracted.

"Can I ask you a question?" He asked.

"You just asked a question." I giggled.

"Funnyy..... Seriously, how do I know if I am in love with someone."

"Hmm... It's quite simple, when you love spending time with them and find every possible excuse to be with them." I replied.

𝐈 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄 ! (#2) Where stories live. Discover now