47. Reena / Vijay

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"What is it? " She jumped and went running to him.

Vijay removed a gold pendant from a box and put it on her neck. The pendant had a small blue crystal butterfly on it.

"Let me just switch off the lights so you can see the magic of this pendant." Vijay said.

The butterfly was glowing in the dark. Ruchi was in complete surprise and loved the present.

"Mamma see it's glowing. It's the best present." She said looking at me.

"It looks best because you are wearing it darling." I tickled on her stomach and she started giggling. I kept kissing on her cheek to overcome the tears which were about to explode.

After putting Ruchi to sleep in her grandparents room I was roaming in the lawn. Vijay was busy with some office presentation.

I was sitting on the swing and kept looking at the stars when I saw Papa ji walking towards me.

"Why didn't you sleep?" He asked and sat on the chair in front of me.

He looked more old then before. His hairs were turning greyish white and he had wrinkles all over his body, his movements were slow and his voice had a childish yet calm touch.

"I am not sleepy." I said.

"Bata menu kya hua (Tell me what happened)." He said and I couldn't hold onto my tears.

"One month before the death of my parents, they had gifted me the same gold pendant on my birthday, it would glow in dark and I was so fascinated by it. I loved that pendant a lot but I somehow lost it. They promised me to get another one but before they would....." I took a pause. I didn't wanted to say it.

"But few weeks later Bhaiya made the exact same pendant for me which I refused because I wanted it from my parents and now that they weren't there I didn't want it."

"So Aarnav kept it safely and gifted Ruchi the same pendant?" He asked.

"Yes, that's the only possibility."

"It can be a coincidence."

"It's not coincidence. Vijay is a great liar but sometimes forgets that I can catch his lie within seconds."

"Chal rona band kar (Stop crying), go to sleep. Itna nhi sochte beta (Don't think much)." He said and patted on my head. I hugged him and he consoled me.


I was working on my presentation which was day after tomorrow but I had to submit it within one hour. Working under someone sucks but I got no choice.

𝐈 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄 ! (#2) Where stories live. Discover now