24. Reena

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"What have you done to Aadhya?" I asked as I intruded his room

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"What have you done to Aadhya?" I asked as I intruded his room.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"She is not picking up my calls, not visiting me... And Roshni said to go ask my dear brother why she is doing so. So you tell me now! "

"You won't get it... It's better if she stays away from our family."

"But why?"

"You don't need to know everything."

"Why? Because you don't trust me?" I asked.

"That's not the case."

"Then what is it."

"Fine... Her friend Vijay and our family are business rivals." He said and I was cool because I knew it already. But I had to act like I am in shock after hearing the truth which I did.

"So obviously she was here to keep an eye on us for Singhania's." He spoke further.

"And do you have any proof about that?" I asked.

"Isn't this connection enough?"

"No it's not. When will you stop blaming people without any valid proof?" I shouted while throwing my hands in air.

"Reena... "

"Get over this habit of yours... On one side there is Aadhya who does everything on the basis of valid proof and then it's you who just shoots in a dark room without looking at the aim."

"Okay yeah I understand that I overreacted." He said sighing.

"Understanding is not enough... Calm her down now because she isn't talking to me."

"Okay fine I will, relax. How is your studies going on? " He asked while I sat on the bed.

"It's going fine but it's so stressful." I said grabbing my head.

"I had suggested to join the business but you don't listen to me." He said.

"You know it was Mom's dream to see me become a lawyer because she couldn't become one and when she really started to study law even after having two kids, the universe didn't let her complete her dream. So let me complete that dream for her." I said and he started massaging my hairs.

"Okay fine... Tell me one thing! "

"Yes? "

"How long it's been since you didn't apply oil on your hair?" He asked.

"Three weeks I guess."

"Look at your hairs looking like a broom. If you use machine on it all the time you need to maintain it too. Have you seen Aadhya's hairs.. They are so shiny and healthy." He said and I looked at him in shock.

𝐈 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄 ! (#2) Where stories live. Discover now