20. Vijay

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"You are just losing her by doing this

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"You are just losing her by doing this." One of the
guy shouted.

"You don't have to worry about it." I said with a knife in my hand.

All her guy friends were lined up in front of me tied up on the chair. I was very serious when I said that they won't be able to see the next morning. It was 4 a.m. and the sunset was in 2 hours which is enough to kill five guys. I had digged up the ground and made some space for the five dead bodies of them.

"We are not even close to her, we just talk to her about notes and practicals."

"I do not care... You talk to her that's enough."

I was about to throw a knife when a guy who looked like a very nerdy one, with specs and checks shirt, he was covered in sweat and shaking like a leaf.

"I don't even touch her ever, I just help her whenever she needs help in studies cause mostly all the girls are mean to her and those are her friends are very dump so she asks notes from me, except that I have nothing to do with her trust me."

"Yess, that Reena is a very simple girl she doesn't like all this killing and all. You should know that she love having friends and whenever someone tries to take them away she hates that person including her own brother. Don't you think she will get suspicious about where all the guys she talk to disappeared, and if she comes to know you did it then she might hate you." The fourth guy spoke.

Listening to this I was forced to this about my decision. I can't risk it, what if she really startes hating me?

"Okay, I will let you go but remember I am always keeping an eye on you. If any one of you try to act over smart and tell anything about this incident then I won't think twice before stabbing this knife in your back and twist it." I said and saw them closing their eyes.

I didn't release them easily... I injected a sleep medication and throwed them on a street far away from my secret place. I wasn't stupid.

Next morning after Reena's college we both were having lunch at a restaurant.

"You know a strange thing happened today." She spoke.

"What strange thing?" I asked.

"My guy friends aren't talking to me properly."

"Why so? And what made you think that?" I asked trying hard to put up a confusing face.

"So today we had an announcement that we are having prom night which happens every year. So I asked all my guy friends if they are coming with me to prom because I always go with one of them but they all were hesitating all of a sudden and none of them was ready to go to prom with me."

"So you can't go with someone else?"

"Many guys asked me but I don't like going because they are all creeps only these friends of mine are decent so I prefer going with them." She said and sighed.

𝐈 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄 ! (#2) Where stories live. Discover now