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We slept as soon as Vansh and Roshni left

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We slept as soon as Vansh and Roshni left. But I was feeling very weird. The environment felt a little tensed. I slept while rubbing my chest and calming myself down but suddenly my eyes opened and I realized that I wasn't able to sleep so there is no point trying. My throat is so dry like Sahara dessert. I reached for my bottle on the side table and drank two sips when my attention shifted towards the corner of room. I thought like something moved there. My eyes and brain was dizzy from iron deficiency so I thought it was my imagination but what if it's not. We have been living here for five years now and it's safe here but you never know it might be a new robber. I can't ignore it knowing that my three year old daughter is right next to me.

I switched on the side lamp and saw a man standing there without wasting any time I whispered and moved Vijay. Ever since we got married his sleep had been so delicate that just one shake make him awake.

"Yes?" He said in sleepy voice.

The man there pointed to shut up my mouth but I can't do that.

"Vijay there's someone in the room." I shouted in his ears and he woke up like a stroke.

There was a minute eye contact between the man and Vijay. The man that puffed chest, covered in black clothes entirely and wore a mask.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Vijay asked keeping his voice low and glanced Ruchi to check if she was still sleeping.

"I am here for Reena." He replied.

"Mind your tongue before I cut it off and shove it in your ass." Vijay said burning in anger.

"Ohh ho cool down mister-" The man started to speak in a loud voice.

"Keep your voice low, if my daughter wakes up because of you just know that I'll bury you alive in my garden." Vijay said.

"What do you have to do with me?" I asked trying not to show that I was scared.

"Remember Mr. Roy? " He asked and I tried to recall.

"My brother had signed some contract with him and they had a good relation."

"Correct I work for him, he sent me here."


"Your brother did not invest in our business when it was on peak because he said that we are going to be at loss anyways so investment was a waste."

"He wasn't wrong." Vijay said.

"Our business would be saved if he cared to invest but he didn't and it's our job to return the favor by taking away his dear sister." He said with a smirk.

"Listen I have nothing to do with all of this, I haven't talked to him in five years and I don't care about his business matters."

"I don't care if you don't talk to him, you are still his sister and he still loves you the same."

𝐈 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄 ! (#2) Where stories live. Discover now