23. Vijay

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Today I was finally going to take Dad's place in the company and become the CEO

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Today I was finally going to take Dad's place in the company and become the CEO. My phone was flooded with congratulations messages and the news was talking just about it.

I sat on Dad's chair and felt like I had achieved every damn thing in this world. I suddenly felt the power and pride. The feeling was unexplainable. I was on Dad's place, I never thought I was capable of it.

Vansh entered the cabin.

"So Mr. CEO how are you feeling?" He asked.

"I feel very good, it's such a new feeling. I feel the little tingles on my stomach." I said.

"Obviously it's a big position."

"And it's all possible because of you. " I said.

"You worked hard for it Vijay."

"No it's you... You should be the one sitting here not me."

"Remember coaches don't play." He winked.

"But you deserve it, you taught me everything so that makes you better than me." I said and I genuinely meant it. I wish I could give up this position and make him sit on this chair.

"I have my own business baba. " He said.

"Don't go out of the country... What will I do without you here in business?" I asked.

"I am just a call away."

"Everyone says that."

"I'll prove it... Stop being a drama queen and get to work."

"Thanks for making me capable for this position." I said and hugged him.

"You're welcome, just don't mess up anything."

Vansh was supposed to leave 2 weeks ago but he extended shifting of his business to 1 year. So we had one more year with him but again years now a days pass like days.

The manager entered just after Vansh left. He looked in hurry and filled with excitement.

"Sir, the scam Oberoi's did to our company... I found the proof." He said and showed me some files.

"That's good... I think we need to meet Mr. Aarnav Oberoi again."

The meeting was fixed 3 hours later.

"Good evening Mr. Oberoi." I greeted as I sat on the chair and he sat across the table.

The meeting was fixed in my office.

"Why did you call me here?" He asked and I gently slided the file towards him.

He carefully read the papers and I could see his face turning yellow but still he maintained his aggressive expression and angry tone.

"What's this?" He asked.

"I am sure you are educated enough to read that plus you are the CEO so you should get what's written in the file." I replied.

"Don't try to act oversmart with me... You have just entered the business while I am in business since ages. I can destroy this company in one second if I want to." He said and I could see the nerves popping out on his neck and chest.

"Just how you tried to kill my father." I said and he went silent.

"I know you tried to kill my father and I even know the reason why you did so, that's why I am quite but this is after you tried to kill him. When you were done taking the revenge then why to scam the company again?" I asked.

"What do you want?" He asked calmly as his attitude started vanishing.

"Compensate for every loss of my company."

"Tell me the amount and I'll send the cheque tomorrow morning." He said and got up while closing his blazer buttons.

"Helloooo.... CEO boiiiiii...." Aadhya entered with a cake in her hand. And suddenly went all silent after seeing me with Aarnav.

"What the hell is he doing here?" She asked. She was upset with him after he put fake allegations on her that she knew we were business rivals. Poor Aadhya.

"Had some business related work." I replied.

Aarnav tried to talk to her but Aadhya was very angry on him so instead I thought that I'll interrupt.

"Anyways... Hope to you see you soon Mr. Oberoi and I hope it's on good basis next time. " I said smiling and offered a handshake.

"That's never going to happen." He said with a straight face without shaking hands so I took my hand back in my pocket.

"Why? Can't we end this rivalry and have peace in our business?" I asked.

"No because your family was the one who started it... Ask your Dad if you want."

"Okay I will... Whatever the reason might be but if we started it then we should be the one ending it too and I am making that effort."

"Forget it Vijay... He is not a good friend anyways. He only knows how to make enemies." Aadhya said.

"Not always." Aarnav said and left.

"Why do you have to be so sweet with that dick head?" Aadhya asked placing the small cake on my table.

Because I love his sister and to have her I have to win her brother's trust too.

"Just to have peace in business... I don't like these politics."

"Trust me this guy is never going to get your point... Anyways congratulations on becoming the CEO, I got you your favourite cake." She said and hugged me.

"Thanks." I said.

"Where's Vansh?"

"He left, he must be in his office." I said.

"Okay never mind... I had some work so I'll leave now. All the best! "

The person who should be congratulating me first so texting me now after the entire day was finished and the sun was about to set. Maybe I am not important to her as much as she was to me. Maybe I had started expecting a lot. At times I felt like she loved me more than anything and sometimes she made me feel like I am nothing for her. I simply replied 'thanks'.

Reena: Only thanks? I need a treat.

Me: Of course whatever you want.

Reena: Pakka?

Me: Yes!

Reena: I want a bike.

Fuckk! I think she just cut through my chest and snatched the heart away from me. She was asking for a bike. Girls were of course crazy for bike guys but she was crazy for riding one and owning one.

Me: On its way!

I called my manager.

"You have three work to do. Firstly calculate all the loss Oberoi's scam caused and make sure they compensate that tomorrow morning. Secondly I need a bike in a black colour and helmet just like mine. And thirdly find out how did the rivalry between our families started. I want every detail about who started it and why."

"Okay sir."

Heyy Readers!!
I hope you guys are doing well and you like today's chapter❤
Also do follow my insta account for some amazing reels and chapter updates🥰

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