Fear Bound

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As the sun rose, Madara awoke with one hell of a migraine. His face flares red as last night's events swarmed in his mind. He tries to rush out of bed but falls to the floor. As if Lady Luck had turned her back to him, Izuna had knocked on his door before sliding it open. "Madara-nii? Why are you on the floor?" the younger Uchiha asked. Madara slowly got up, but fast enough to where Izuna wouldn't step closer. "Nothing, Izuna; I simply got tangled inside my covers," Madara said emotionless. Izuna shrugged, "Hurry up and get dressed; we've got work to do." the younger male said, then left.Madara gets dressed in the Hokage attire. He leaves without eating with his family and heads to work, buying some Tsukune on his walk. Madara sat at his desk and tossed the skewers away, then got to work with his chin in his palm, a position purposely to have his hair shield the marks Tobirama gave him. Hashirama comes in with his assistant, Sazama Ryota, and as usual, he tries to worm his way out of work by talking any person's ears off. "Hashirama-san, get back to work." Ryota sighed. "But it's important!" Hashirama whined. Izuna rolled his eyes, "Alright, spill it then." Hashirama beamed, "My little Tobi is going on an SSS Mission!" Madara's eyes went wide as he turned to Hashirama. "When?" he asked. Hashirama smiled, "In a week! I'm so proud of him!" Izuna blinked and tilted his head, "What's the mission though?" both Izuna and Ryota asked. Hashirama smiled and pointed a finger up, "He's going to take down the Seven Swordsman of the Mist. They've been terrorizing small villages, and the Mizukage asked for Tobi's help!" Madara gets up from his desk and runs to find Tobirama. He doesn't care if he's a village leader, Madara doesn't care that to others, Tobirama is Suijin or The Demon of Water, and he won't sit idly at a desk fearing his sensei would never come home. The thought of Tobirama never coming back or coming back to be buried wrenched his heart and gut. He's going with him whether Tobirama likes it or not.

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