The Beginning.

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Hey Hi ! First story ! Hopee you enjoy :D


I was crying...The guy I loved was going to be with a girl I disgust. She was a total Slut in my world. Slut with a capital S. She was stupid and she probably stuffed her damn bra. She was shorter than me. Her hair was just full of...Shit.

And here I am telling you the whole story.

Hey, I am Ariella Lani Chan.

I was your average 16 year old, I can't date. I wore a lot of Black. People would have often mistaken me as an emo Person. My hair was pitch black, straight and I had golden highlights underneath, I wore mostly eye make-up and yes they were dark. I was 5'3. I guess I would say I'm short. My nickname was Chinkster. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother, but they left for college so I'm the only one still living under my parents roof. My parents watched my every move , since I was their Youngest daughter . Anyways ...

It was a Wednesday night, around 10:30, I was just typing on my face book. Then , something caught my eye. There was a message from my CHILDHOOD FRIEND. OMFG. HE NEVER TALKS TO ME ~ YES ~ OMG OMG OMG OMG .

*calm down, Ariella* I was surprised by the nice messages that he sent me. He was complimenting me. I was actually blushing at his words that he never would say. It kinda made heart flutter. It was a stupid feeling, but the way my heart was beating it seemed unreal. Did my heart just skip a beat ?! We talked until about 12... no longer. Then all of a sudden the message appeared across my screen: "Will you go out with me?" I stopped typing. It took me a couple of seconds to get myself together. He was my Childhood Friend. I was only 15 and only had 1 boyfriend. But since he asked, I couldn't reject him. I loved him as a brother ,not a friend way , okay maybe a Little. I said "Yes". I smiled and he started telling me these corny stuff Like..."Baby come over I will keep you wrapped in my arms" or he would say "If you have nightmares I'll kiss them away." My friend Kiyoko ;She was part Japanese and Korean. She would probably murder me. School would be very Awkward. Things were going a bit smoothly until I remember I wasn't allowed to date. That means.... SHIT ! I have to keep this under wraps. The first guy I had dated, I dumped him the next day. I hope I won't do that to Daniel.

Chapter 1

I woke up to my annoying alarm clock that was blazing that stupid sound. I smacked it right off the nightstand. I walked drozily to the bathroom. I was shocked. My makeup and everything was smeared all over my face ! Are those tear stains across my face ? Goodness, I gotta clean up myself before my mother finds out what I've been doing. After putting on my "black" clothing and stuff, I checked my phone. A message from Daniel. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I opened the message on my droid. It said: "Hey babe, I need to talk to you. I'm going to pick you up in 20 m. Okay ?"

After reading the message, my emotions went blank. Then nervous was creeping into my brain. He wanted to talk to me? About what? Was he joking about asking me out and he wanted to tell me that it's a joke ? I basically walk in circles until I heard a honking. I looked out my window. There he was, my Daniel, my childhood friend, my boyfriend...

He looked handsome with his shiny dark brown hair covering half his eyes and his beautiful built body. I blushed at the thoughts running through my mind. I suddenly ran out the door . I got into his Honda Civic. Typical Asian guy. Daniel shot me with his gorgeous smile. I smiled back and said " Hey ."

"Back to you, Babe"

"So what do you want to tell me?"

" Whoa, chill . I'll tell you in a minute"

I chuckled lightly.

"Okay whatever. Cocker Spaniel"

He smirked "Already wanting some of this?" He said while gesturing to his pants.

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