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Chapter 4

3 Months later.

Ariella’s P.O.V.

The crew and me were going strong. My brother and Joon returned to college. So, basically Joon and Kiyoko are in a long-distance relationship.

Daniel is treating me with lots of care and love. I fall more in love with him more each an everyday when we are together. Ever since the vacation to the beach, we became extremely close. Plus, my parents and his decided to go on a 4 month trip to Europe. His parents said that he has to stay at my place until they come back. It’s actually thrilling to have him at my place at all times. Well, it’s not like he doesn’t do that at regular occasions. Our parents are leaving right now.

My mom spoke , “Ari, please watch our house carefully.”

“I will, mommy.”

Dad yelled from the kitchen “WHATEVER YOU DO, USE PROTECTION !”

Everybody laughed. I just blushed and Daniel just had a smirk on his face.

“Dad ! It’s not like I’m allowed to do that anyway!”

“Ari, you think negative ! I’m talking about, what if you ride a bike and you have no knee-pads or a helmet?” My dad said with a smile on his face. I know he’s about to burst out laughing with his corny jokes.

“Whatever, dad. I don’t have a bike.”

Me and Daniel hugged everybody and said our goodbyes.

When everybody was gone, Daniel closed the door lightly. He smiled at me. I smiled back, but he started sneezing and coughing.

“Babe, you alright?”

“I think I have a cold.”

“Let’s get you to bed, I’ll get some medicine.”

I walked up the stairs to my room and he laid down. I took his temperature, apparently he has a temp. of 102’ . My poor baby . Rushing down stairs, I looked through the cabinets to find medicine. Once I found it, I gave it to Daniel to take. “Baby, do you think your able to make it to school tomorrow ?”

“I’m not sure, Ella . If I don’t , you need to go to school. I’m not letting you stay home.”

“Awhh . Darn . Okay then.”

I was going downstairs to make him some soup, but his arm stopped me. I looked at him . “Ella, stay beside me. Please?”

“.. But I need to cook you some soup.”

“Screw soup. I need you beside me.” He said as he patted a spot beside him on the bed.

I climbed on the bed and laid beside him. He had his arm around my waist, and I was resting on his chest. He whispered “If a new person comes into your life , would you leave me ?”

I was surprised he would ask me a random question. “Of course not. Why do you ask?”

I looked directly at him. “It’s nothing.”

I got a little worried. What does he mean by this?

I tried to push these thoughts out of my mind so I could get some sleep. Apparently, me and Daniel knocked out. I woke up at midnight. Daniel was talking in his sleep. How cute !

I was trying to listen carefully what he was saying. Then he shocked me for what he said.

“I love you Ella … Please don’t leave me …”

“Daniel, I’m not going to leave you. I love you.”

I whispered to him. Next thing you know, I was knocked out again.

Daniel’s P.O.V.

[Before Daniel parents were leaving.]

Nick, my best friend texted me. It said:

Yo, Daniel. Monday, new kid is coming to our school. I saw him in downtown flirting with lots of girls. Watch out for ‘Ella. I’m sure he’s going to win her heart. But I know you can protect her from that bastard. You know my girl, Kensley ?

He stole her from me so he can get into her pants. What a bastard. Heads up, whatever happens I’m on your side. -NiCKK .

I texted back: What the fuck. He better not go near my girl. Thanks for the heads up. Can you do me a favor? ~Taken by ‘Ella <3

He texted fast: Yeah. Anything for you.

-NiCKK .

I responded: If I’m not a school or anything, can you watch out for Ella and Kiyoko. I think I’m sick.

~Taken by ‘Ella <3

Nick: Yeah . I will .

After the convo, I jumped into my car and head to Ella’s place. I’m very worried. I’m a protective guy and anyone that messes with me will regret it.

Ariella’s P.O.V.

“Hey, babe. Wake up. Time for school.”

I looked at Daniel. He still looked sick.

“Are you going to school, Daniel?”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t . I just checked my temp. and it’s 101’ .”

“Awhh .” I pouted.

“ Don’t make me bite those lips of yours”

“Feel free to.” I smirk.

“No . I’ll get you sick .” Daniel laughed.

I just walked away, acting like I was mad at him.

After getting ready, I left to school by myself. I miss Daniel already. Why did he have to be sick?!

When I arrived in the parking lot, I saw a group of teens surrounding something. I went over there , but kiyoko stopped me.

“OMG. Ella ! The new kid is here ! He’s super hot!”

“He can’t be hot enough to my Daniel.”

Kiyoko rolled her eyes.

We walked over to the commotion. There in the middle was a guy that had black hair slicked over his eyes. He’s muscular for sure. He’s pretty hot. But Daniel has my ass as his property and I’m proud to be. ‘New kid’ caught me looking at him and he threw me a wink. I blushed. Already, the ‘new kid’ is hitting on me. I rolled my eyes and walked away. Heading to my locker, something grabbed my arm. Once again, I see ‘new kid’.

“May I help you?”

“Umm…My names Sam. Sam Chea”

“Oh cool. BYE !”

I slammed my locker and ran to my 1st period class. Seeing him makes me flutter. WTF. I have daniel and I love him. This asshole is following me and making me fall for him. Hell , that ain’t going to happen !

I sat down in my seat, before the bell rang.

Next thing you know, there was a knock on the door. Teacher opened the door and that annoying ‘thing’ walked in. He saw me apparently and smiled me a killer smile. Stupid boy. He introduced himself and decided to sit by me. He tried to talk to me but I ignored him. He then tapped me on the shoulder “WHAT?!”

“Do you have a piece of paper I can borrow?”


I got up and ran out the door and straight to my car. I’m sick and tired of this today. Daniels not here, plus some kid can’t stop bothering me. I need to get to Daniel.

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