Bullshit & Resolutions

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Chapter 6

I woke up the next morning , feeling a little light headed. I did my morning things then went downstairs. Daniel was cooking breakfast for the two of us. There was an akward silence.

However, Daniel broke the silence “Are we still together?” “Umm, Of course we are.”

“Oh, cause last night it didn’t seem like it.”

“Last night? What do you mean.”

“Don’t play dumb, Ella. You were hugging ‘New Kid’”

“Bullshit ! He’s my friend and he was cheering me up ! Unlike you, bringing down all the news about your engagement. I know you object to it, but your acting stupid lately. It’s like you don’t care about me. And if you accuse me of cheating on you with a friend of mine, your lost.”

I got up and walked out that door. I went next door and knocked on Sam’s door. He opened it.

“I need a ride to school, Sam.”

“Okay. Let me go get my keys.”

He ran to his kitchen and came back.

I hopped into his car while he got in the driver side. He drives a Audi. Pretty nice.

We drove in silence. Until Sam broke it.

“Are you alright?”

“Yes and no.”

“Tell me what’s wrong, I could probably help you.”

Do I trust him enough?

“Not a big deal. Relationship problems.”


Before I got outta the car, I kissed Sam’s cheek and thanked him.

I ran to Kiyoko and hugged her tightly. I burst into tears. She had a surprised face.

“Ella, you alright there?”


“What’s wrong?”

I told her what happened this morning between my sobs. “I’m about to hurt someone or something.”

Daniel arrived at school with a sad face.

When kiyoko spotted him, she stomped her way up to him and slapped him. She screamed, “I can’t believe you had to guts to make ‘Ella sad. You asshole ! Before you say shit, at least see her point of the story and stop assuming. Because your assuming is as bad as your personality.”

She walked away and grabbed my arm . We walked down the halls and stopped by my locker. I got all my stuff. I tried to stop sobbing. I must look like a complete mess. I can’t help that I love my boyfriend and all of a sudden he acts all superior and stuff ! The bell rang. Kiyoko came up to me and said “I gotta get to class. Will you be okay by yourself?”


With that, she hugged me and walked to her class. When everyone was gone in class, I was alone in the halls. I decided to go to the bathroom and clean myself up. Looking in the mirror and straightening my clothes out, I heard footsteps. I looked up and saw that they were Alyssa’s. She came up to me and said “I know about you and Daniel. If you get near him, you’ll regret it and receive punishment from me. I don’t give a fuck if your close or childhood friends. So get lost.” I stared at her with a blank expression. Who does this bitch think she is? Sure, she was the rich dude’s daughter, but who cares? I slapped her and pushed her to the wall. I said between my clenched teeth, “Don’t tell me what to do. I have my ways in life.” I walked away and went to class. I know I was late, but that didn’t affect my feelings. Instead the bell rang. I guess 1st period is over. Sam, all of a sudden ran up to me.

“Are you okay, Ella? You have to tell me what happen. I care about you. We’re friends, you can trust me.”

I explained everything. I saw him clenching and unclenching his fist over and over. I’m pretty sure he’s angry.

“Ariella, do you want me to punch him and make him suffer?”

“No. It’s okay. He’ll regret what he did this morning.” He smiled me a sad smile and hugged me.

Finally, school ended. Now I just have to deal with Daniel. Sam dropped me off at home.

“Ari, if anything goes wrong, knock on my door.”

“Thank you, Sam.” I smiled and walked inside of my house. Daniel’s shoes were inside, so I guess he’s home. I decided to peek into Daniel’s room/guest room. Sitting on the bed, his head were in his hands.

I knocked on the door to , and his head sprung up and looked at me. He spoke, “Can we talk?”

He said it with such a weak voice. I nodded and sat beside him on the bed. He grabbed my hands and began talking. “I’m sorry for my behavior this morning. I love you and I care for you. I know it sounds cliché, but I mean it with all my heart. Seeing you with another guy hurts. Plus, I don’t blame you for being mad at me with the ‘Alyssa’ situation. My parents told me that they can’t stop the engagement, but we can. All we have to do is scam here. I’m willing to do it. Are you?”

“Daniel, you know that I would do anything to keep us together. I’m just don’t know what to do.”

“We’ll have to come up with a plan to scam Alyssa.”

“I think I know who can help us.”

I said with a smirk on my face.

Daniel laughed.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2011 ⏰

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