The Beach

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Pic of Joon on the side ;DD ----->

Chapter 3

Kiyoko’s P.O.V.

Today was my birthday . Plus we gotta go to the beach. I’m very excited. I get to see Joon !

I had a crush on him ever since I laid my eyes on him. Hopefully, Ari doesn’t know or else she’d kill me right on the spot. Joon was the perfect package that I always looked for. Muscular, Nice hair [Dyed different colors ;)] and he’s so sweet and kind ! The issue is, he’s 3 years older than me.

Actually, who cares ? Age doesn’t matter to me at all . . . I’ll just pack my bikini and stuff just in case I can impress someone .

Daniel’s P.O.V.

Beautiful day for the beach for sure.

I get to spend time with my baby.

Plus, my little sister, kiyoko.

Since Ella’s brother is coming, I might as well tell him about us. Me and him are very close and we tell each other everything. I’ll have to ask Ella for permission.

After packing for what it seems like centuries, I got in my car and drove straight to Ella’s.

Ariella’s P.O.V.

It’s already 10:30 A.M. ! Were going to leave at 11:30. The crew should be here by now.

*Ding Dong* I guess their here now.

I opened the door and there my best friend standing with a huge grin on her face.


“I’m so excited ! Ari, Where’s your cousin?”

“He’s in his room, packing for the beach.”

She had a frown on her face. “Oh.”

I think they like each other… Woooo Hoo .

Shortly after Kiyoko’s arrival, Daniel came. He was wearing a long sleeved Hollister shirt. What a coincidence, that’s my favorite shirt of his.

He came and hugged me

“Hey Babe.”

My brother Kody and my cousin came running down the stairs. The boys greeted each other.

Joon had a priceless face when he saw Kiyoko. Kiyoko was standing there blushing. This is going to be the funniest trip.

Once we packed up the car and headed onto the road, Kody spoke. “So what did I miss so far?”

Me and Daniel stared at each other with wide eyes. Daniel whispered “Should we tell him?”

“I think so.”

Daniel spoke with confidence. “Me and Ella are together.”

This was ironic, No one was freaking out.

My brother was smiling a killer smile.

He finally said “Wow. Finally you guys are together. Every single day when I was at home, you guys stare at each other with them’ gooogley eyes. “

My cheeks flushed red.

Daniel was shocked “Your not joking right? Like your fine with it. ?”

“Of course I’m fine with it Daniel, I mean, you and me are so close. Were practically brothers.”

“… And were practically cousins now !” Joon yelled excitedly

When we finally arrived, there was a little home waiting for us. It was my brothers condo. It had 4 rooms and 2 ½ bathrooms. Pretty sweet huh ?

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