Where'd she come from ?

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Chapter 5

Ariella’s P.O.V.

I stared at Sam with shock. This kid is living beside me? Great . “Oh…” “We could become great friends !” This kid can get annoying.

“Umm, Sam ? I’m a little busy. I gotta go. Bye !”

“Oh. Bye, Ariella !”

I closed the door and turned to Daniel.

“Who exactly is he?” He said between his teeth.

“Babe, he’s just the new kid, and he just trying to be nice , but it’s annoying the hell outta me.”

Daniel lunged at me with a hug. He looked very upset. I wonder what’s wrong.

“Daniel, are you okay?”

“I love you, Ella.” He whispered into my hair.

“I love you too.”

I was very confused at his behavior. He’s acting like I’m losing him. Which I doubt that would happen. He’s such a sweet person. I can’t possibly do that. After the weirdness, we went to sleep. Apparently we woke up the next morning.

We went to school together, hand in hand.

There was a crowd again surrounding something. We went over, since were both curious creatures.

We saw a very pretty girl. Apparently, she squealed when she saw Daniel. What the fuck is going on ? Daniel was wide eyed. This girl pounced on Daniel and threw him a hug.

She squeals again “DANIEL ! I MISS YOU !”

Daniel reply’s quietly “Oh.”

She glared at me when she saw me.

She was holding onto Daniel’s arm and dragged him away from me down the hall. Daniel shot me a worried look. I just nodded so he’ll now I’ll be okay … for only a moment. Kiyoko was behind me the whole time. “What the hell was that?”

“I don’t know Kiyoko.”

“Do you know who she is?”


“She’s some snobby rich kid. That’s all I heard. She only came back for Daniel.”

“Daniel? What does Daniel have to do with this bimbo?”

“I don’t know, Ari. But you have to find out soon.”

“Kiyoko, Do me a favor and spy on them. See what there talking bout’.”

“Okay. Just go to class and make some friends.” She said while laughing. I know she was just trying to lighten up the mood.

Kiyoko just ran down the hallway directly in the direction where ‘bimbo’ and Daniel went.

Walking down the hall, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw Sam. He looked worried. “Aye, Sam. You alright there ?”

“Yeah . Are you okay? Cause you look a little sad there. I kind of heard what happened today. About the snobby girl and Daniel.”

“Oh. Yeah… I guess you can say I’m sad. I’m just very worried. I’m lost at the moment.”

“Ari, I’ll be here for you.”

“Thank you, Sam. You know we kind of started off pretty rough. You wanna start over?”

“Of course. Hey. My names Sam Chea. What’s your name?”

I laughed. “My names Ariella Chan.”

We both walked to class in a bright happy mood. Sam told me a lot of stuff about him. I found out that, he was an only child and his parents died. Basically, he’s living by himself. His father left him a lot of money so that’s what Sam is living off of while working his fathers company. I can tell we’ll be great friends. When we arrived at our 1st period class, we decided to sit beside each other. The girls glared at me. Daniel came in with the perky girl on his arm. He had a smug look on his face. He seemed annoyed. Daniel saw me sitting beside Sam and automatically he turned on the jealous look.

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