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Chapter 2

I tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes, but I heard a faint mumbling behind me. I looked and saw that Daniel was talking in his sleep. Awhhhhhh. That’s so cute ! I decided to shake him , so he can wake up.

Daniel just grabbed a pillow and placed it upon his head. This kid …

“Daniel, wake up !!”


I couldn’t take this anymore. So I just went to take a shower. When I came back into the room, he was gone.

I frowned. There was a note on my pillow.

“Babe, I went home to go change for school. I’ll see you 20 m.”

I just realized today we had school.

Time to face kiyoko .

Suddenly, my phone rang.


“Wassupppp Chinkster?”

“Hello to you too, kiyoko”

“Haha. Well. Can you get my iPod for me ? I forgot it at your place.”

“NO problem .”

“Ari… You sound happy. What happen during the weekend?”

“It was eventful. But it was fine”

“Eventful? You better tell me what happened at school. Okay?”

“Okay . Bye.”

Ugh Oh. I’m a little nervous to tell Kiyoko what happened. Hopefully, she’ll understand.

When I was done dressing up, I ran outside to get into Daniel’s car.

“Hi there, beauty.”

I giggled.

“So are we going as one to school? Or are we going to keep ‘US’ a secret?”

He thought about it.

“I think we should go as one. Who would tell our parents anyway?”


When we arrived at school, I could see Kiyoko surrounded by guys. She had a nervous look on her face.

I felt bad for her because most of her boyfriends used her. She was really careful when she chose who was going to be her boyfriend. Everybody would fall head over heels for her. I mean, she’s a beautiful Asian girl , with a blonde/orange streak in her hair. She has that skinny jean type of look. Me and her are popular as you can say.

I walked up to the school with Daniel beside me. Kiyoko pushed the guys away and ran up to me.

Kiyoko said “ Thank goodness you guys are here. I seriously needed to get away from those psycho’s !”

Then one of her eyebrows went up.

She pointed at Daniel. “What’s this tree doing here?”

Daniel shot back “What’s this fag doing here?”

Next thing you know there arguing.

These two people are so annoying.

“Alright you two ! Stop fighting. Why cant you guys be civil for 5 minutes ?!”

Kiyoko and Daniel glared at each other.

Kiyoko said “FINE !”

Daniel scoffed . “Serves you right.”

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