1. New Office

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Taylor woke up at 6 am that day
She was ready for her new life
She recently moved to new York for her new job
After applying every year she got into the biggest finance company in the world
Kelce Finance
There were hard to get in and known to be working for the biggest companies managing their finances
New York was their biggest location

Taylors apartment already had a mattress and some of her stuff like clothes and dishes
She put on the outfit she planned for days now and let's just say it was serving
She tried to keep it professional but still stay in style
After endless face time calls with her friends she decided on a black dress with knee boots and a coat

Taylors apartment already had a mattress and some of her stuff like clothes and dishesShe put on the outfit she planned for days now and let's just say it was servingShe tried to keep it professional but still stay in styleAfter endless face time ...

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On her way out she grabbed a smoothie out of the fridge and walked down to the nearby subway station
The subway was filled
People were working,drawing,sleeping or even eating
The subway in New York was like a different world
Unfortunately Taylor couldn't afford a car. Her parents already had to pay her apartment till she was financially secure and able to live on her own.
Her parents have money tho so it's not the biggest problem

There she was standing in front of the big skyscraper
The whole building was part of the company and it had the writing ,,Kelce" on the top

I was nervous
This was all new

I opened the door and pressed my floor in the elevator
The ride was long so I used the time to refresh my make up
In front of me was a big glass door with T13 written on it
The number of my floor
I opened the door just to stand in an empty room no one at the reception or anywhere
Was I wrong?
I looked again
No I'm right
I took out my phone and saw that it was 7:30 which meant that I was way too early
Work starts at 8
So why is it already opened? Is someone else here?
What am I supposed to do now
,,Hello. Do you need help? You seem to be a bit early"
I looked up to see a tall guy with broad shoulders and a perfect fitting suit
His eyes looked kind and his hair was trimmed into a buzz cut complimenting his beard
,,uh hiii. Im Taylor. Yeah I think I'm early"
Oh god I did not just introduced myself like a little girl trying to find friends on the playground.
He laughed
,,Hey Taylor. Are you new here?"
I just nodded not wanting to embarrass myself again
,,Taylor Swift. I'm Taylor Swift"
,,ok Miss Swift, how about you follow me"
I did as I was told and walked behind him until we reached the big office at the end of the
I felt small next to him
Even tho I was rather tall for a woman he made me feel tiny
,,Take a seat please. Oh and I forgot to introduce me. I'm Travis Kelce"
My mouth hung open in shock as I shook his hand maybe not letting go for a little too long.
,,so I see you already filled out all the forms...uhm so I know this question is a bit sexist but we're legally required to ask if you're in a relationship and planning on getting pregnant soo"
,,no I am not and I am not planning of getting pregnant"
I spoke dry as I remembered my recent break up.
He nodded and wrote something down
His office was cozy
The walls were decorated with contracts and awards and on his desk was a picture of him and his brother as children
,,ok Taylor, so you're office is ready for you"
He guided me out the door directly to the door next to his office
,,one of our longest employees retired a few weeks ago so you get his office"
,,thank you"
I smiled at him staring in his gorgeous eyes
,,you can decorate the way you want just...pls no explicit pictures"
,,oh that sounds like you already experienced that situation"
He laughed
His laugh was kind and made me feel comfortable
,,yeah we had a worker who was a big playboy fan...let's just say that"
He again let out a chuckle
,,So Taylor my door is always open for you if there is anything you wanna talk about or need. Now get comfortable"
,,thank you"
The man closed the door on his way out
There I was standing in my new office
My new life
This is going to be awesome!

An: so the first chapter that I wrote got deleted so I have to write it again
I already said that I want to make a Tayvis story and here it it🤭

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