Private jet

902 33 22

The driver is outside your house
When you arrive at the airport just tell them that you belong to me. They will know where you have to go

Okk thank you
I am so excited

see you soon Taylor!

I was in fact really excited
I love London, it's like a second home to me and I am soo happy that Travis is taking me
I'm developing a little crush on him but that's maybe not the best idea
I feel like he sees me as a good friend, nothing more.
Yesterday he told me about Karlie again
Apparently they had a date and it went well
But he said they didn't kiss or anything
Well maybe it's for the best
My reputation is hanging on a string if I start dating Travis
Selena was happy to feed the cats so I was now petting them goodbye before leaving the house to get into the drivers car
To my surprise the driver drove a really expensive car and even opened the door for me

,,Miss, pls get away you can't go through the private section."
,,No I uh-"
,,Yeah stop I bet your trying to find a rich husband"
,,is there a problem?"
I suddenly felt a hand on my hip
Travis was standing behind me
,,Uh no Mr.Kelce no problem at all"
,,ok then stop talking to her like that or I'm gonna get you fired!"
She nodded and let me through
That was fucking hot
,,I'm so sorry Taylor she is a horrible person. You look beautiful today"
,,oh thank youu"
He gave me the sweetest smile again
,,now come on London is waiting for us"

,,Hey can I get you anything to drink?"
,,not for me."
,,yes a water pls"
Travis ordered a water

Turbulence's were strong today so he seemed to be really careful while drinking
Well that did not help cause seconds later Travis emptied his whole cup over my white shirt
Travis was looking at me
My shirt was nearly invisible now
,,uh oh uhm yeah I'll get you a new shirt "
He grabbed his bag to pack out one of his shirts
,,take that"

I knew i should not look but that was very hard when someone attractive was standing in front of me
Her hair was wet to and I noticed that the ends started curling
Her navy blue bra was peeking through her shirt and this was definitely not a good time to imagine things...
,,can you uh like turn around"
,,oh yeah sorry"
She changed into my shirt
She looked at me like a wet puppy
,,not the usual way I like to make girls wet"
,,yeah I bet it's not"
Why tf did I say that

,,Taylor wake up"
I tapped the girl who's head fell on my shoulder
She fell asleep during the last 4 hours
I wasn't a sleeper in flights
My jet was actually equipped with a bed but I didn't want to interrupt her sleep
The blonde was sleeping so peacefully
The minute she woke up I could see her nose scrunching
,,oh I am so sorry I- oh"
She was nervously swooping off the blonde hair that were placed on my shoulder
,,I just feel asleep"
,,it's no problem don't worry. It's just we're landing in 5 minutes so I wanted you not to be surprised"
,,thank you"
Over the speaker the pilot started telling us to get ready for landing

,,This airport is beautiful. I've only seen the not private section"
,,yeah I'm usually just here so I never seen the normal part. But I bet it's good too"
Taylor disappeared in my big shirt
But I suited her
She looked cute
,,we're gonna go to the hotel now"
My driver texted me that he was in front of the door so I made my way outside
Taylor was following me
,,Ladies first"
I opened the door for her and she smiled
,,well thank you sir"
She sat down in the car and soon I was sitting next to her
The way to the Hotel was chill
While silent music came from the radio the blonde was busy looking out of the window all impressed by the city
,,I think I fell in love again"
I was shocked over her statement at first before I got that she meant London
,,yeah ik that feeling. Some cities are just gorgeous"
She nodded before leaning against the window again
Her hair was slightly curly
Maybe because of the water and the travelling and stuff
Weird, I used to think she had straight her but I learn more and more about this girl everyday
But there was so much I didn't know
How old was she?
She looks pretty young
25 max
But idk
I never searched for it
I felt weird cause I was soon to be 32 leaving me all old
,,Ok Mr.Kelce, we're here"

Our stuff was already being brought to the room while Taylor and I walked inside the big lobby
,,Travis Kelce...yeah room 13, here are the keys"
,,uh I'm sorry I think there's been a mistake. I booked 2 rooms?"
,,no only one room on this name. Sorry"
I looked over to see the blue eyed girl staring at me
,,I'm sorry"
I mouthed to her

The elevator ride was rather akward considering the current situation

I was unsure of what that meant.
Same bed?
But maybe it does have separate ones
,,I'm texting my manager"
,,no it's alr I can sleep on the carpet or something"
,,no Taylor I'm not gonna let you. Hey Parker? This is Travis so about the room..."

Travis hung up
,,so the hotel is fully booked and we can't get another room. But I think it has separate beds so we'll be fine"
I nodded

Travis opened the door to the big room
,,oh wow"
I was looking at the perfect royal hotel
It looked like a dream
We both started walking towards the bedroom just to see a big bed
One bed.
Oh great
That makes not acting on my crush way harder...

An: typical situation hahaha
But it's gonna get interesting

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