Turkish Tea

797 31 13

3 Week skip (sorry I need to story to move forward a bit)


,,Heyy Mr.Klece"
Avery was standing in the doorway
I could see that her shirt was more unbuttoned than usual
,,What can I do for you Miss Kane?"
,,i don't know I just thought you could need some time out"
She was now walking up behind my chair I tried to stay unbothered
Her hands slid on my shoulders and she started massaging them
,,This is totally unprofessional."
She didn't stop
,,Why? I bet you would like Miss Swift to do it!"
,,I am her boss too. So same situation"
,,oh stop it! Everyone knows you have a thing for her!"
She turned my chair around and sprung on my lap leaving me no time to react
She captured my lips and trapped my arms
That girl is fucking strong

,,Hey Mr.Kelce I just- Oh uh sorry I didn't want to interrupt"
I just saw Taylor's horrified face soon before the door closed
That's when I got her off
,,Oh you really want that Swift do you???"
,,Miss Kane this is enough!!! This was unprofessional and totally unacceptable"
I grabbed her and stood her next to me
,,But pls I was just..."
,,Sorry but I can't accept this. You have one chance left or you're fired. And I want an apology.
I then threw her out of my office
To my surprise I was just thinking about Taylor seeing all that
I need to talk to her

I was sitting in my office fighting tears.
Travis and I drove home from work nearly every day and we started to get along great
He was a funny and sweet guy but had a really professional side
I'd never thought he would kiss his employee
Especially not Avery
That girl is such a flirt with nearly every guy in the office and she's a total pick me
I was crying for the rest of the day
Not hysterically just some tears flowing now and then
Maybe it's not just that, but the constant texting with my ex
He made me feel bad again
I dependent way too much on him
It was already 8

,,I need to talk to you"
I turned around

Taylor's face was wet from tears
Her mascara left streaks on her face
She quickly tried to wipe it away
,,come here."
I know it was a bold move but I just felt so sorry
She stood up and slowly walked towards me before I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in a deep hug
We stayed like this for some time before u could feel her body shaking again
Sobs became louder
She was crying in my shirt
,,Shhh...it's alright"
The woman's arms held me tighter her hands softly gripping my back
,,thank you"
As we pulled away i looked down at her face again
My finger wiped away her tears on both sides at the same time
,,It's alright. What happened?"
,,it's just too much for me...Idk Joe keeps texting me and Avery isn't excactly my fav coworker so I didn't enjoy seeing you guys make out"
,,Ok first sit down"
I knelt down and placed my hands on her knees
Not too high tho
,,You should block him. He's in the wrong and  you have to get over him. The relationship was toxic you said it yourself. And Avery was kissing me
I pulled her of seconds after you left
I would never kiss her. I threatened to fire her. So calm down just breath just relax...it'll be okay"
,,Now stop crying you're way to pretty to ruin your face by tears"
She let out a chuckle
,,thank you"

,,you want me to come with you?"
,,yeah just stay over for like an hour we can drink tea or something"
We went inside
Travis followed me the stairs up until I opened the door to my apartment
,,welcome to my home"
,,it's cute"
As soon as we walked in I heard my cats meowing
,,I need to feed them they need dinner. Don't you guys? You're starviiingg"
I petted benjamins soft fur
Travis was looking a bit confused by the situation
You could tell that he didn't know what to say or do
,,come in"
I pointed to my couch
I walked into the kitchen to make some tea
My phone rang
,,Hey Selina!"
,,are you home?"
,,Yeah why?"
,,oh I just wanted to talk to youuu. So how are you? Is your job good? Any new guysss?"
,,No Selena i don't wanna date again for some time"
,,uh Taylor your cat just bit me I think- oh sorry I didn't know you were in a call"
Travis was standing in the kitchen smiling at me
She screamed so loud that he could hear everything
We looked at each other awkwardly
,,No Selena uh that's my boss"
She hung up
,,I'm sorry that's my best friend and she tends to be a bit overdramatic sometimes but she's actually really nice"
,,so you're a one night stand girl?"
,,no not really I mean I did it a few times but not usually and-"
I was nervously blabbing
,,it's alright Taylor that was a joke I don't need to know about your Sex Life"
,,oh uh sorry"

,,the tea is amazing"
,,thank you it's Turkish"
,,Taylor I have this flight to London and I need to take somebody with me and I thought you could maybe join. For work ofc and it's paid"
,,yeah I wanted to go to London again sooo bad!"
,,great...uh yeah the problem is...the flight is tomorrow morning"
,,WHAT I NEED TO PACK! you stay here with the cats I'll be back soon"

An: heyy so I am mentally really unwell rn and idk what to do but writing helps
Love yall❤️❤️

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