Getting comfortable

889 28 11

Second office day
A knock on my door
,,come in"
,,heyy you must be new! I'm Gracie"
I was standing inside my office
It was now a few minutes past 9 and I was smiling at the brunette standing in my door
,,yeah I am. I'm Taylor!"
,,Love that name! So I just kind of wanted to make sure you feel comfortable. Maybe you wanna grab lunch later? I can tell you all the office gossip then"
,,sounds great Gracie, you can just meet me at 1pm then?"
She gave me thumbs up before closing the door
Well maybe I already found a friend

I looked proud at my office
It looked cozy and cute
Just how I like it
And no porn on the walls so Travis will like it too

I stared out of the window just to see New York in all its glory Knock*,,yeah?"A brunette girl opened the door,,Hello I'm Mr

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I stared out of the window just to see New York in all its glory
A brunette girl opened the door
,,Hello I'm Mr.Kelce's secretary and he wants to see you in his office now"
,,ok I'm gonna be right there"
What would he want from me? Oh don't be stupid Taylor he probably just wants to give you all the work and stuff

,,Ahh Miss Swift come in"
I was a bit disappointed that he wasn't using my name anymore but maybe it was to stay professional during work time
I liked how he said my name tho
He had a raspy deep voice so it sounded so well from his mouth...ok stop it
,,sit down. So I just wanted to give you your first project. The block T13 is currently working on the financial situation of a big millionaire who recently moved here. We're one of the few sections who also do the financing for private people. So in this case we need someone to meet up with him and I thought we could need a pretty woman like you for the job"
I blushed
I tried to cover it by putting my hand on my checks and putting my elbow's on the table which ended in a really weird situation
I instantly sat up again hoping he didn't notice it but his look seemed amused
,,yeah I can totally do that sir."
He nodded
,,Good. Also here is your work phone so I can text you all the details"
He pushed an iPhone 14 over the table
Work phone? This was even better than my own phone??
,,Thank you. Also my office is ready and it's pretty so if you wanna see I- I'm sorry Sir. Didn't mean to be unprofessional"
Travis laughed
How can he make me so damn nervous
,,I will take a look at it later Miss.Swift"

I left the office with the reddest face I ever had
This was just great
The first day and I already embarrassed myself more than once
The time went by fast and when I looked at my phone it was already shortly before 1 pm.
I saved the file I worked on and sent it over to Mr.Kelce
I searched for my wallet when I heard someone knock
,,yeahhh I'll be right there"
I walked to the door and greeted Gracie who was waiting for me

...yeah so that's Coner. Oh and there is also Avery. She has a thing for our boss and you can tell. But that's nothing new cause almost every women in the office has something for him
He wants to keep distance tho
Understandable, I would too with all these chickens"
I laughed a bit but felt pathetic at the next moment.
That would mean that I am also just a little office chicken for him
Ofc I am
He's one of the richest man alive how could he see me as more as a worker
I am one of the bees in the system
Ok enough of my pity talk
I looked at Gracie who was now ordering some chicken tenders
,,Tay you want some too?"
,,no I think I'll take the salad...calories and stuff"
,,no we're not gonna do that. chicken tenders for both of us and oh oh with the spicy sauce for me uh and some soda and that's it!!"
Gracie was really bubbly and sweet but I honestly felt bad just thinking about all the calories
,,you have to eat"
,,yeah it's just...idk I think I put on way too much weight with all the moving and stuff"
,,you know eating won't kill you. Not eating will. Don't pretend like I don't know what's going on"
I looked down at my food again
,,it's a struggle I've had for some time but idk I guess I am better now"
,,you can always talk to me"
,,thank you"
I gave her a smile

The walk back was good
I felt like I really found a good friend in her
,,so I'm in the office on the right, the second one"
,,Ok see you then!"

I sat down back on my desk and worked
After about 2 hours I sent the first files to my boss
My screen light up
Message from an unknown number
,,The plans are good. Maybe overwork the payments for his team again there is a mistake with the cleaning team"
I smiled a bit
At least it's good
The next hours went by painfully slow
I was humming some melodies of songs I came up with
I know it's pathetic and I am not that good of a singer I think but I like to play (She doesn't know she's the best hahahah)
The door opened
,,Miss Swift? You're still here? It's already so late you were done by 8."
I turned around just to look up to the tall man in front of me
Now that I was sitting he was even taller then usual
,,what time is it?"
My eyes widened
,,I think i didn't really look at the time...sorry"
,,it's alright just don't overwork yourself"
I nodded
,,you seem a little pale are you alright? Have you eaten anything today?"
I've only ate some chicken tenders
He doesn't have to know
,,I did..."
That didn't sound really convincing
,,ok I hope so. Sorry that question was way to personal I hope you can be okay with that"
,,yes I am it's alright Tr- sir"
,,now go home and get some rest. Tomorrow you'll have the talk with Mr.Berasak"
,,ok thank you"
,,so I have to lock, we can walk out together"

I quickly packed everything and walked out behind him
,,So good night"
We smiled at each other and I walked in the direction of my subway station
I walked as I saw a black Porsche driving slowly next to me
It was already dark so I sped up
,,Are you taking the subway?"
I turned to see Travis in the car
,,yeah I don't have a car"
,,get in. I can't leave you alone at night"
,,thank you"
I carefully opened the door and got in
,,you don't have to do this"
,,oh no it's alright I think I'm driving in the same direction anyway"

My Boss | Tayvis storyWhere stories live. Discover now