Car ride

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I can't sleep
It's been 3 hours since my boss drove me home and the car ride was awkward...

,,so Miss Swift, you rent an apartment on Cornelia street?"
,,I do"
,,you must be wealthy then. It's not really cheap to live there"
,,no my parents pay for me...until I'm making enough money on my own"
,,mh and you live there alone?"
,,no I have 3 cats "
,,ahh so you're a cat lady, who would've thought"
I gave him an akward laugh
,,yeah you could say that"
,,so how come your parents pay your home but no car? Do you know how dangerous it is to drive the subway at night, alone as a pretty woman?"
I blushed again at his words trying to hide it by staring at my lap
,,yeah but I carry some pepper spray and I have my phone"
,,ok good. But you're still not safe alone. Maybe I can take you some times but I don't drive home everyday"
,,no omg it's alr I can go home by myself really it's no big deal"
He didn't respond to that
And there we sat in awkward silence
,,I think we're here"
He stopped directly in front of my apartment
I opened the door
,,good night and thank you very much for bringing me home"
I smiled at him
,,no problem Miss.Swift, see you tomorrow morning at 8. Not earlier"
His tone was strict but I'm pretty sure he doesn't mean it in a bad way
I walked to my front door and opened
Then his car drove off

Flashback end

So there I was laying thinking about my life
The Screen of my phone lit up
I didn't bother to pick it up at first
But at the second time I was really curious

(I like Joe but I need him to be like this for the plot so I am sooo sorry)
I miss you baby
Pls it was all a miss understanding

It was Joe
Ofc it was
He keeps texting me since the breakup
I didn't really tell him that I moved but he doesn't has to know or he'll stand in front of my door again

I miss you baby
Pls it was all a miss understanding

Who is this

Oh you know who this is
Joe ofc
You remember
We dated for years?
                                    I don't wanna talk to you
Why baby
I can make you feel good again
I bet you haven't felt good since we broke up
                                                       I slept around
That was a lie but I didn't know how to react
Why did I even had to answer?
Now he's in my head again making me feel bad
He does that
Make me feel bad
At first it were just little things but then he started to blame me for not wanting to get married so young
We were high school sweethearts and dating since we were about 15
I liked him for a while
But he soon started cheating and thinking I won't notice

I'm currently 24
How old is Travis?
Now that I am already on my phone I can look it up
A few taps and it was written on my phone
That are 7 years age gap
Not that it would matter...

Time skip 1 week
It became a routine that he drove me home almost every day
We started talking more and more and I started to get to know him
He was great at sports, a good cook and on top a really funny guy who could be professional at the same time
Can this flag get any greener

,,so Miss Swift, was the client happy with his plan?"
,,he was. He gifted me some chocolate and flowers on top of it."
,,Well that's uh a bit...that sounds like he thinks you're pretty or something which you are but yk its a bit unusual"
I giggled
,,soo what are your plans for the evening"
,,hmm I think I'll go home to my cats, what about you?"
,,I have a date today"
I couldn't possibly sound more disappointed and on top I do not even have a reason to be
,,Are you alright Miss Swift?"
,,Oh yes I am. What's her name"
,,Karlie. She's a blonde, tall and pretty. I know her from a meeting. So she's head of another company."
,,she sounds...awesome"
Maybe too awesome but at least he is into blondes

<Travis POV>
I took a glance over at the blonde sitting in the seat next to me
She fidgeted with the rings on her hand and occasionally twisted her hair
Since I told her about my date her mode changed from laughing about my jokes to getting all silent again
She shifted uncomfortably in the seat
,,hey are you alright"
,,yes it's just work was stressing me"
,,oh you can take some time out if you want to"
,,no no it's alr"
We pulled up in front of her apartment
I looked out of the window just to see a guy standing on the street of her home
,,Mr. Kelce"
,,I can't get out"
,,oh I'm sorry is the door locked?"
I pressed on the button to unlock all doors
,,no it's just...that's my ex boyfriend and I don't wanna talk I can't talk and-"
Her voice turned into a squeaky sound
But it was enough for me to notice that it really was bad for her

,,Hey Siri, call Karlie"
Taylor opened her mouth the say something but stopped when a female voice greeted me over the speaker
,,hey Karlie it's I kind of have to work longer today I can't make it. I am really sorry"
,,oh uh yeah ok that's alright. Good night then"
The call was ended
,,you did not have to do that I am so sorry I don't wanna be the reason for your evening to be bad and- where are we going?"

I turned around and drove in the direction of my house
,,to my place"
,,No I this this is too much isn't it unprofessional and-"
,,I have enough spare rooms so it won't be unprofessional. We are not sleeping in the same bed don't worry"
,,I don't even know I can make it up to you"
,,you don't have to"

An: for the people who said fan-fictions writers do the same as the person who made the Taylor Ai photos
We are not. We're literally writing and it's no graphic picture
If you're reading smut you're not automatically watching porn
It's 2 different things
So pls stop this
Idk maybe it's just me thinking like this

My Boss | Tayvis storyWhere stories live. Discover now