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,,yeah Travis just like that uh..."
,,Oh Taylor I am so closee"
Suddenly I was left with unfinished business
Karlie was now sitting on the edge of my bed looking angry
,,what did you just call me? Who tf is that Taylor bitch?"
I was shocked
I did not just moan her name while fucking another women
,,Karlie I can explain Taylor is just an employee-"
,,What the fuck Travis? You were thinking about your employee while fucking me? Oh wow, am I that unattractive?"
,,no I Karlie that's-"
,,oh leave it. I'll just go home this is useless"
With that she slammed the door to one of my bedrooms in my apartment
This has never happened before
No matter how much I liked someone, when Karlie was with me I was focused on her
She's my booty call it's as simple as that
I pulled out my phone
Taylor Swift

Taylor I think we need to talk
Come by my house tomorrow night. You're off work tomorrow

She instantly read my message and replied with a simple "ok"
But i didn't care cause u think I am seriously falling in love with this girl and this can't be happening
It could be so harmful for my business

*Time Skip next day

I heard my bell ring and instantly checked the mirror to see if I looked good
I was wearing dark blue jeans and a black t shirt that was hugging my muscles pretty good
My beard was trimmed as well as my hair and I had my silver earring on
I look good
I smell good
What could possibly go wrong?

I opened the door to see the blonde standing in a floral dress
It was quite short (not that I would complain) but it definitely didn't made any of this easier
Our eyes met and I swear that I saw a spark in hers
,,Come in"

I watched her taking of her sandals leaving her barefoot
It was warm outside on the August night
,,so Mr.Kelce what can I do for you?"
Oh and we're back at last names again
I could tell that this wouldn't end good

I was fiddling with the fabric of my dress under the table unsure of what the night would bring
Travis walked back to the table with 2 glasses of wine
,,So Taylor-"
,,It's Miss Swift"
My tone was harsh
Probably too harsh
,,Alright. Miss Swift. So I thought a lot about the events and I think this should all be a strictly professional relationship. I don't see any reason to continue out little thing here."
I could tell that his tone was dripping with anger
Anger he didn't have before I told him that he could not call me Taylor anymore
But I can't ruin my job cause i cannot control my feelings
I have this tendency to fall for people i shouldn't
,,Is that all you wanna say?"
,,I wasn't in control the last weeks and I know that it's wrong. But I'm a man and sometimes just need someone-"
,,oh pls don't use this as an excuse. So all I am is someone you can use to satisfy your needs. Got it."
,,that's not what i meant miss Swift"

At that point i couldn't even control my words anymore
I rather tried to talk myself out of my obvious feelings for her than explain the situation
We both suddenly stopped moving as we heard someone entering my door
,,Tra-Mister Kelce-"
I pushed my fingers to her lips showing her to be silent when I grabbed the baseball bat in the corner of the room and walked to the front door
in front of me was Karlie
,,I'm just grabbing my stuff cause whatever this was is over"
She walked to the kitchen
,,Karlie sto-"
,,omg is that the Taylor bitch whose name you moaned last night?? Is she here to be fucked? Well I mean you know what it feels like to moan her name anyways so!"
Taylor stood there in complete confusion
Nobody said a word and just silently stood there watching Karlie pack some things she left overtime
,,well good fuck to you you asshole"
And then the door closed
,,Taylor I can explain-"

An: Yayy new chapter
Honestly I love Tayvis but I read like all the story's about them and idk so if you have recommendations leave them here!

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