Chapter One

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Danis POV
I walked into the computer room and sat down in one of the chairs. I logged onto the computer and clicked on the internet explorer icon so I could look at the comments on our new video. I just started reading the comments on our YouTube videos even though Christina had told us not to probably because she was afraid it would break us which it did. The comments were awful. Most of the hate was directed towards me which I had no idea why. They said things like "Dani can't sing at all they should kick her out of the band", "Dani is worthless and she should do us all a favor and die", "Danis so ugly and fat compared to her other sisters". I had tears streaming down my face as I exited the screen. I quietly walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me, I looked in the mirror at my reflection. Did everyone really think about me like that? I started crying harder and fell to the ground I pulled my knees in close to my body and rocked back and forth while I sobbed. I glanced up and saw a razor sitting on the bath tub ledge I picked it up and ran my finger across the blade. I'd never thought about cutting myself until now. I rolled up my sleeve and ran the blade across my arm about five times. Tears streamed down my face as I got up and cleaned everything up so none of my sisters would find out. I calmed down a little bit before I walked out of the bathroom straight into Lisa "Dani watch where you're goi" she looked at my face and must've seen that something was wrong. "Hey what's wrong?" She asked a look of concern filling her face. "Um nothing I'm fine" I ran past her before she could question me. I practically flew down the stairs and out the door, I ran down our drive way straight into the woods across the street. I finally slowed down when I reached it and by it I mean the treehouse that Lauren and I had found a few years ago. It was covered in vines and was falling apart but we didn't care Lauren and I had made it ours. There was a tire swing hanging of the branch right next to it. I climbed up the steps nailed to the tree and plopped myself down in one of the small chairs that was next to the small window. I stared out the window into the woods and took in the beauty. I was so lost in thought I didn't notice Lauren climb in "Hey dani Lisa said you ran off and I knew you'd be here" "Am I that predictable"? I asked. Lauren giggled and sat down in the chair next to me. "So what's wrong Lisa said you looked sad when you walked out of the bathroom" "Nothing is wrong I promise" "Dani I know something is wrong please just tell me" "NOTHING IS WRONG" I screamed at her. I got up from my chair and climbed down the steps once my foot hit the ground I started running deeper into the woods.
Laurens POV
I wasted no time in climbing down the steps and rushing after dani. "DANI WAIT" I screamed "YOU DONT HAVE TO TELL ME IF YOU DONT WANT TO BUT WE CANT WANDER TO FAR INTO THE WOODS" I pulled my phone out of my pocket and glanced at the time 6:00. If we didn't get home soon everyone would wander where we were I grew more and more nervous as Dani continued to run into the woods. After about five minutes of running Dani stopped I caught up to her and tackled her to the ground. We fell to the ground and I looked at Dani we both began laughing. Then Dani stopped and said "Lauren I have no clue where we are" I stopped laughing and looked around "Me either". We got up and started walking the way we had come hoping it would lead us home. We walked and walked until finally we got out of the woods I looked at my phone for the time 8:00 we were going to be in so much trouble. "Dani it's 8:00" she glanced up nervously "Christina is going to flip out" I nodded my head in agreement. Our parents had taken the boys and gone out of the country for a while so naturally Christina was in charge. We walked up the driveway and I grabbed Danis hand. We reached the front step and opened the door into our house.

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