Chapter Eight

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Dani's POV
I fluttered my eyes open to see I was in a small room with bright lights. I shut my eyes again to protect them from the harsh light I had such a headache. I knew I had to get up eventually so I opened my eyes once more and sat up. Someone had pushed two chairs together to make a bed for me to lay on. I had no clue where I was so I walked out of the room into a very long hallway I saw a desk and started walking towards it. I walked up to the lady sitting there she smiled at me and said "Hello what can I do for you" "I don't know where I am." I said sheepishly as my cheeks turned slightly red "You're at the police station sweetheart. Are you Dani Cimorelli by chance?" "Yes I am" "I thought so you look a lot like your sisters. You need to go into the room at the end of the hallway on the right side" I nodded my head and thanked her and started to walk down the hallway. I arrived at the door and opened it, inside were three police officers. I recognized the lady who had tried to pull me away from Lauren. All of the sudden all the emotions came flooding back to me and I had to bite the inside my cheek to keep from bursting into tears. "Hi Dani we just need to ask you a couple of questions then you can go we know this is a hard time for you." She motioned for me to sit down so I walked over and slumped into the chair. "Okay so did you see the man who hit your sister?" I breathed deeply to regain control of my emotions so I could quickly answer these questions "I didn't get to see his actual face but he had brown hair a black and red flannel jeans and tan boots I think he had glasses to because I could kind of see something sitting on his ear." "Okay why were you and your sister near the road?" "I was running away from her" "where were you running to?" "The woods across from our house has an old treehouse we had fixed up I was running there." I answered all the questions trying to not burst into tears. "Okay well that's all for now we need to question the other drivers on the road. We had to put your sisters into a different room than you because they kept trying to get to you they are directly across the hall." I got up and started to walk out the door when the police lady said "I'm sorry about what happened sweetie hang in there" I nodded my head at her and quickly walked out there door. I walked across the hall to the door where my sisters were and opened the door. Right when I walked in I saw all my sisters huddled together crying and I instantly ran to the closest one to me which was Lisa and buried my head on her and started to sob uncontrollably. I could feel her wrap her arms around me as my body started to shake while I continued to sob. Soon my body became to heavy to hold up and I fell to the ground I could feel Lisa drop down next to me and pull me into her lap. "I-I'm so s-s-sorry guys" I managed to croak out to them "Why are you saying your sorry Dani it wasn't your fault!" Kath said as she sat down next to me followed by Christina and Amy. "I-it is m-my f-f-fault it's all m-my fault and I d-don't b-blame you guys i-if y-y-you hate and don't w-want to t-t-talk to me." I said as I continued to sob and shake. Lisa put her hands under my chin and picked my head up so I could look at her "Dani we don't hate and we aren't going to quit talking to you this is no way your fault!" I put my head in the crook of her neck and continued to sob I could feel Lisa put her head on mine and cry. All of us were huddled in a tight ball and crying then Christina broke the silence and said "Okay guys we should probably go home" they all stood up but I stayed on the ground because I didn't have enough strength to hold my body up I felt like a thousand elephants were siting on me pushing me down. Lisa scooped me up in her arms and said "Let's go guys" we walked out the door and down the big long hallway to the exit. When we walked outside it was really dark out "what time is it" Amy whispered quietly "It's 1 in the morning" Christina answered softly. We got to the car and they wanted Lisa to drive but I gripped onto her when she tried to put me down "No don't leave me" I said as tears escaped from my eyes and slid down my face. "I'll drive" Kath said. Lisa got into the van and I climbed in next to her and put my head on her shoulder as Amy climbed in next to me. The police station wasn't far from our house and we got home in about ten minutes. Kath pulled into the drive way and we all slowly got out of the car not in any hurry to get inside. Once we finally got inside Christina said "I think I'll go to bed." Kath and Amy noises and followed her to their room and quickly shut the door. We walked upstairs and stood in the hallway "Are you going to go to bed Dan?" Lisa asked as she looked down at me "Yeah but I'm going to go the bathroom first okay? I'll meet you in the room." I said as calmly as I could so she wouldn't think anything was wrong. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door quickly. I took everything in me not to burst into another round of tears so I opened the linen closet where I hid my razor and grabbed it. I sat down and started running it across my arm continuously until I felt dizzy. I stumbled up and went to the sink to rinse my the blade off. I opened the closet again and hide the blade then grabbed some bandages. I wrapped my arm up shut the light off and walked out the door shutting it behind me. I padded quietly into my room and stood there and felt myself start to cry again. I fell to the ground as I started to sob again but I started to feel like I couldn't breathe. I was sobbing uncontrollably gasping for air then I felt Lisa pick me up and put me in her bed. She sat down and pulled me to her I could feel her hand rubbing small circles in my back "Sh Dani calm down and breathe you're okay you're safe" she whispered soothingly "I just want Lauren back" I choked out to her "I know honey we all do" she whispered back at me. "We need to go to sleep though okay." She laid down and I crawled next to her and put my head on her shoulder and continued to cry. She continued to rub my back as I cried into her shoulder I felt myself grow more and more tired and eventually my eyes grew more and more heavy and finally they shut and I felt myself drift into a deep sleep.
(Hope you guys liked! Tell me your thoughts:)

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