Chapter Nine

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Dani's POV
My eyelids felt so heavy I didn't want to open them but I knew I would eventually have to. I opened them and looked at the clock which said 1:30 I rolled over and saw Lisa sleeping peacefully. I decided I didn't want to wake her up so I quietly slipped out of bed and walked to Christina, Katherine, and Amy's room. I peered in the door and saw that they were all awake so I padded into the room and crawled into Kaths bed next to her. "I called mom and dad and told them what happened and they sounded heartbroken" Christina said sadly. "Well of course they are they lost one of their children!" "Well I don't think they want to come back now because they extended their trip and told me to plan a funeral for Lauren." I felt a tear escape from my face, I didn't want to think about all of this. I sprinted up out of Kaths bed ran out the door down the stairs and out the front door. I could hear them telling me to come back but I didn't want to so I kept running. I ran down the driveway across the road into the woods and didn't stop until I got to the treehouse. I climbed up into it threw myself into one of the chairs and started to cry. "Lauren please come back I need you here" I whispered into the air. I shivered and realized how cold it was outside. It was a dark gray day and it was sort of foggy the trees groaned as they swayed in the wind. "I'm so sorry Lauren this is all my fault I should've just told you what was going on I'm so stupid" I said as I sobbed into my my hands. I could feel someone watching me so I picked my head up and looked around but no one was there. I climbed down the steps and walked around the tree to where the swing was and couldn't believe my eyes a girl was sitting in the swing but something was wrong she looked almost transparent. I walked closer to her and whispered "H-hello w-w-who are you" she turned around and smiled at me. "Hi I'm Kate and this used to be my treehouse!" She said excitedly as my eyes grew ten times their normal size. "I died the same way your sister did. I like her she's nice" she said as she nodded her head. I tilted my head and said "You know Lauren?" "Yes I met her here yesterday! She said something about needing to talk to you before she left." I stood there not knowing what to say I was so confused I forgot how to move. "Lauren your sister is here!" Kate shouted into the air and then I saw Lauren I knew right away it was her. "LAUREN" I screamed and ran to give her hug but I fell right through her remembering that she was technically a ghost. "Hey Dan" she said as her lips curled into a smile. "I'll leave you guys alone give me a shout when you're ready to leave Lauren" Kate said as she disappeared into the fog. Lauren and I walked over to the tire swing and sat down "So tell me what has been wrong this whole time Dani." I knew I couldn't hide it from her so I just blurted it out "I've been reading the comments on our videos for awhile and they were so awful all of it was hate towards me!" "Dani we were never supposed to read them!" Lauren said with a hint of shock in her voice. "I know but I did and now look where it got us." I said with sadness in my voice as my head dropped. "What's that supposed to mean?" Lauren said as she picked my head so I was looking at her "This is all my fault! It's my fault you got hit I should've just said what was wrong because if I hadn't ran from you you wouldn't have followed me and gotten hit." I said as tears fell from my eyes "Dani I need you to understand that it isn't your fault the only person at fault is the guy who was driving there's nothing anybody could have done. Sometimes bad things happen when nobody expects it and I know it hurts I know you're all hurting but I also know you're strong enough to get through this. True I'm not going to be around physically anymore but I'll always be in your heart and watching over you okay don't ever forget that. If you ever start to feel sad because you miss just talk out loud to me and I'll hear you." "Really you'll be able to hear me?!" I said with slight excitement in my voice which made Lauren giggle "Yes I'll always be able to hear you. Now I have to go and you probably should to because I imagine Chrissy and the others are getting worried but remember I'm always going to be with you Dani I love you. Kate lets go!" and just like that she was gone disappeared into the fog like Kate had earlier. I couldn't explain it but I felt a peace in me I hadn't felt for a long time and I knew that I needed to tell the others about what had been happening to me. I got off the swing and started walking towards the house and in a few minutes I was there. I had barely put one foot in the door before I was grabbed and pulled into a hug by Christina who was crying "We were so worried about you Dani don't run away like that!" "I'm sorry Christina I just needed to get away I won't do it again and I uh need to talk to all you guys." We all walked into the family room and they sat down on the floor. I sat down in front of them "Okay well I uh started reading the comments on our videos and they were all hate towards me. I don't know what happened I just couldn't handle it so I started cutting myself and I still do... That's also the reason why I tried to overdose on Lisa's pills." I could see the looks of disappointment and sadness in each of their eyes. "I'm so sorry" I said as tears rolled down my face I looked up and saw Lisa opening her arms so I crawled over to her and threw my arms around her. "Do you see now why we didn't want you to read the comments?" "Yeah but what did I ever do to those people to make them hate me so much?" I said with hurt in my voice as I sat down in Lisa's lap and buried my head into her neck. "You didn't do anything Dani! People bring others down to feel better about themselves you've done nothing wrong." Christina said with tears rolling down her face "I'm sorry guys I'm so sorry." I said barely above a whisper. Kath and Amy were right next to Lisa and I and Christina was in front of me. Christina reached out and grabbed my face so I was looking at her "Dani it's okay it happened and we can't take it back. When was the last time you know hurt yourself?" "Last night" i felt Lisa's arms tighten around me. "We are going to help you get through this okay I promise." She held her pinkie out and I smiled a little I linked my pinkie with hers and she then joined Lisa, Kath, Amy, and I in a group hug. "We're going to get through all of this together."
(Let me know what you guys think! Thanks for reading!:)

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