Chapter Six

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Dani's POV
I woke up and rubbed my eyes it was still dark outside so I could tell that it must be early morning. I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock and it read 3:30 am I groaned and rolled back over. "Dani are you awake?" I heard Lisa whisper "Yes how long have you been up" "I never went to sleep" Lisa confessed quietly. "Me either" I heard Lauren squeak out "Come here guys" Lisa whispered. Lauren and I jumped out of our beds and into Lisa's I curled up on Lisa's left side and Lauren was on her right side. Then I heard a crack of thunder and rain start to hit the rooftop furiously. I heard Lisa's phone go off and she reached over me and grabbed it. "Just says there is a severe thunderstorm watch" she reached over me again to set it back down. I could feel her start to pet my head I scooted closer to her and put my head on her shoulder. I could hear Lauren breathing softly and figured she had fallen asleep. "Go go sleep Dan I love you" I could feel my mouth curl into a smile "I love you to Lise" I closed my eyes and let myself fall into a deep sleep.
*Next Day*
"Awh look how cute they are" I heard Christina say through giggles. I groaned and looked at Lisa's clock it read 12:00. I grabbed the blankets and threw them over my head "Go away its to early" I groaned to Christina who was joined by Kath and Amy. "To early?! Danielle it is 12:00 get your lazy butt up!" I felt Lisa stir next to me. "LISA DANIELLE LAUREN WAKE UP" Christina yelled as she jumped onto Lisa's bed and bounced up and down causing all of us to groan. "Why do we need to wake up?" Lauren muttered. "We are going on an adventure Mrs. Grumpy pants now get up!" Christina said as she leaped off the bed into the hallway "We are leaving in fifteen minutes so you better be ready." Kath and Amy left the room and shut the door I sighed and walked to the closet. "Where do you think we are going" Lauren said as she walked over and stood next to me. I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed black jeans with some holes in them a black short sleeved fitted crop top a maroon cardigan and my black combat boots. "It's going to be a little cold today so dress decently" Christina yelled from her room. I walked into the bathroom and quickly got dressed I walked out as Amy walked in. I walked back in to my room to grab my beanie and choker necklace. I put them both on and walked downstairs and out the front door to wait for the others. I sat on the front porch and enjoyed the peace and quiet. It was super sunny and not to hot there was also an occasional breeze which made it feel even nicer outside. I sighed contently as Lauren made her way out the door and sat next to me. She smiled at me and said "Pretty nice out isn't it? I wonder what Christina has planned for us" "You never know with her." We both giggled as Christina came out the door with a huge bag followed by the other three sisters. Lauren and I got up and made our way to the car where we climbed into the very back Amy and Lisa where in the middle and Kath was sitting next to Christina in the passenger seat. We pulled out of the driveway and started on our way to our adventure. *Hour Later* It felt we'd been driving for ever when Christina finally pulled into a parking lot "Come on guys we are here!" "Where exactly is here?" Lisa said. "We are going on a hike this is supposed to be a really pretty place so here we are get your butts out of the car!" We all climbed out and started on the trail. I have always had a great respect for nature it's so beautiful. I looked around and admired where we were there were huge trees everywhere with orange red and yellow leaves and the sky was a light blue with no clouds in the sky. I took a deep breath and sighed contently. "Everything okay Dani?" Kath asked with slight concern in her voice "yeah I'm fine I promise." She nodded and we continued on our way. I could hear the faint sound of running water and ran ahead of everyone else "Dani wait for us!" I could hear Christina yell but her voice grew faint as I kept running towards the sound of water. I gasped as soon I saw it. A huge waterfall. It was coming off a huge cliff full of rocks and was falling into a crystal clear pool of water that had a little cave in the middle of it. What was so amazing was that the waterfall had flowers and grass around it and I was so lost in thought I didn't hear the others come up behind me. "Yay Dani you found it!" Christina tried to yell but mostly just panted out which made me giggle. "It's a good thing we brought bathing suits!" Kath said excitedly "You guys brought them for all of us right because no one told us to" Lisa said. "Yes we brought all of yours!" Amy said grinning from ear to ear. We all sprinted back to the car and one by one went in the car to change I was a little nervous because of my arm but i figured that some of them had already seen so I decided to just pretend like they weren't there. Once we were all changed we grabbed towels and ran back to the waterfall where Amy immediately jumped into the pool of water where she was quickly followed by everyone but Lauren and I. "You thinking what I'm thinking" I whispered into Lauren's ear she gave me a mischievous smirk as she grabbed my hand. We ran up a grassy path to the top of the cliff and walked toward the edge. "PLEASE BE CAREFUL GUYS" Christina screamed at us. Lauren was getting ready to do some sort of showy jump when she tripped and fell into the water. "No fair I was going to do something really cool." She fake pouted as she smacked the water. I was laughing so hard I fell into the water myself. The water was so cold and when I reached the surface I started laughing even harder. I couldn't remember a time when I had laughed like this. Lisa, Lauren, Amy, and Kath had started making up silly names for the jumps they did off the cliff which made me laugh each time. I walked back up the grassy path to the top of the cliff and gasped "WHATS WRONG DANI." Christina said worriedly as she ran up the path followed by everyone else. I pointed to the sunset and gasped again. The sky was a dark purple with with streaks of light pink, yellow, and orange which were all swirled in with the purple. It was so beautiful there were no words to describe it. "Let's all jump in together" Christina whispered. We all nodded. Lisa was to my left so I grabbed her hand and Lauren was to my right. Christina was next to Lisa and Kath was next Lauren with Amy right next to her. "Okay 3-2-1 Go!" I yelled and we all jumped into the pool. We all resurfaced and giggled I splashed Lisa who fake pouted before trying to splash me back but I had moved so she splashed Christina instead "Hey!" She said fake mad. I laughed and splashed Kath and before we knew it we were all splashing each other and giggling. I jumped on Lisa's back and said "Come on my trusty steed we must seek shelter!" Lisa neighed which earned giggles from everyone and she started to swim to the cave in the middle of the waterfall. But before she could get there we pulled backwards by Kath and Lauren which then turned into a game of chicken. I tickled Lauren's neck which left her vulnerable for a second and I took advantage of that so I pushed her lightly and she and Kath fell back into the water. "I AM THE CHAMPION!" I yelled proudly I jumped off Lisa's shoulders and high fived her once I resurfaced. "Okay guys we should probably get home we are filming tomorrow!" Everyone got out but I froze and tried to keep myself from freaking out. I slowly climbed out of the water and grabbed my towel. We dried off as we made our way back to the car by the time we got back to the car we were all pretty dry. We all went back to our seats. After a few minutes of driving Lauren had leaned her head on me and had fallen asleep. I leaned my head on hers and tried to go to sleep to forget about the fact that tomorrow would be nothing like today had been.
(Hope you all liked this chapter don't worry there is a plot twist coming soon! Thanks for reading love you guys)

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