Chapter Four

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Lauren's POV
I knew something was wrong with Dani but I didn't know what. I didn't want to pressure her to tell me because that could push her away, but if I didn't ask her what was going on something really bad could happen. I was determined to figure out what was going on with her. I walked upstairs and quietly poked my head through the door. I could hear her crying softly into her pillow and I hesitated to continue into the room. But the big sister in me told me to go in so I did. "Hey Dani" I whispered softly. Dani quickly sat up and wiped her eyes "Hey Laur". "What's been going on Dan " "Nothing" she whispered softly as she put her head down. "Dani I know something is wrong if you don't want to tell me that's okay but I just don't like seeing you like this" I put my hand under her chin to pick her head up. When I picked her head up I could tears in her eyes, I opened my arms and said "Come here" she practically jumped in my arms. I could hear her sniffling so I started gently rocking her back and forth as I rubbed her back. "Shhhh it's okay" she sat up and said "Thanks Laur I'll be okay" she wrapped her arms around my neck for a hug and then walked out of the room. I was going to find out what was going on because I didn't believe her at all.
Danis POV
I wanted so badly to tell them what was going on but I couldn't because I knew I would get a lecture for reading the comments. "The video is up guys!" Christina yelled from her room. I knew I would regret it but I walked into the computer room and sat at one of our computers. I clicked on the internet explorer icon and quickly got on YouTube. I found our new video and scrolled down to the comments I gasped because the video had been up for a minute and there were already 100 comments. I started looking at them and could feel tears sting my eyes... Every comment was hate towards me. They were awful everyone was calling me ugly, fat, worthless, not good enough, and a horrible singer. Some people even said I should just do everyone a favor and kill myself. I quickly exited out of the Internet and ran to the bathroom. I grabbed my razors and started sliding them across my skin I didn't care how bad it hurt I just kept doing it. I decided that I didn't want to live anymore I opened the linen closet and grabbed someone's medicine. I opened the cap and dumped what was left of the bottle in my mouth. All of the sudden everything started to move in slow motion, My body became to heavy to hold up and right when I fell to the ground I heard someone open the door and scream.
Lisa's POV
"CHRISTINA, KATHERINE, AMY, LAUREN SOMEBODY PLEASE COME QUICKLY" I screamed through sobs. I heard running followed by Christina screaming "KATHERINE CALL AN AMBULANCE QUICKLY" " I-i-i don't know what h-happened" I choked out to Christina. I walked deeper into the bathroom with Christina to get closer to Dani and saw my medicine bottle empty and right next to her, I didn't know what else to do so I screamed. "CHRISTINA SHE SWALLOWED WHAT WAS LEFT OF MY MEDICINE" I glanced down and saw her arm was covered in cuts and I couldn't control myself I ran out of the bathroom just into Katherine. I hugged her so tight and started to cry on her shoulder "Lisa what's wrong?!" "D-dani took my m-m-medicine and c-cut all over her a-arm" I said between sobs. I could hear sirens arrive at our house and then heard a knock at our door. I saw Christina sprint down the stairs to let the paramedics in. Christina ran back up the stairs and stood by Amy and Lauren. I was quickly shoved out of the way by three men and one women who went directly to the bathroom to help Dani. I could hear one of them say "Her pulse is getting slower we need to get her to the hospital now" " is she going to be okay?!" I choked out but no one answered me. They picked up Dani and started to walk down the stairs "WHAT ARE THEY DOING WITH HER?! WHERE ARE YOU TAKING HER! I WANT TO BE WITH HER" Lauren yelled to them she tried to grab them but Christina grabbed her and held her back "LET ME GO CHRISSY I NEED TO BE WITH HER" Lauren yelled through sobs. It broke my heart to see her like this. We all went down the stairs and outside to the ambulance. "Who's the guardian here?" "Um our parents are away but I'm the oldest" Christina said barely above a whisper "Okay we're gonna need you to ride with us." She nodded her head and climbed into the ambulance. We all quickly ran to the car and piled in, Kath was driving with Amy in the passenger seat and Lauren and I in the back. I was rubbing Lauren's back trying to get he to calm down "shh breathe it'll be okay baby." We arrived at the hospital and we all jumped out of the car. Lauren and I sprinted to the desk with Katherine and Amy right on our heels. "Dani Cimorelli?!" I half yelled half panted "You'll have to wait over there for the doctor to come talk to you" she pointed to a few chairs outside of a room where Christina was already sitting. We walked over to her and sat down. It felt like we waited forever until the doctor came out of Dani's room with a sad look on his face.
(Don't worry there will be plenty more action it's not over yet. Tell your friends about this story! Thanks for reading guys:)

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