chap. 1 || The ''better'' Kozume.

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Kozume Kaneko, the top student at Nekomata High School, Manager of the Nekoma boys' volleyball team, and a lovely twin sister of  Kozume Kenma. That's what everyone knew about her. She was the golden child and a great person to be around. Her family was also described as "perfect" by others, though it was anything but.

People would murmur about at her elegance and perfection, and wherever she went, she would capture the eyes of those around her as if she were a natural magnet. 

Right now, she is sitting at her desk in her bedroom, doing some studying even though she's done nothing but revise and revise all week, even on weekends. Kaneko got up from her study place and carried her work to go show her strict mother. she made her way around the house to her mother that sat at the couch reading a magazine but stopped at a mirror to take a look at herself.

At the mirror stared back tired cat-like golden eyes. She gazed at her blonde medium-length hair, with black roots. Kaneko was slightly shorter than Kenma and had a skinny, petite figure. She and Kenma were very alike, although her posture was a lot better than his. Both of them had decided on dying their naturally dark hair to blonde on their first year of high school, and she liked it even though her parents weren't a big fan of it.

 sighing tiredly, she went to her mother.

"Mom? I'm already done with the extra credit work you asked me to do." Mumbled Kaneko, leaning against the door frame with an exhausted sigh, and handing her mother the schoolwork she finished. her tired eyes met her mother's familiar stern orbs and she found herself fiddling nervously behind her back as Kaneko's mother scanned all the effort on paper. 

She looked up at Kaneko and seemed to be happy with the accomplished work, nodding her head in content slowly. She firmly stared at her figure, "Good, I expect to see more done tomorrow as well, understood?" 

Kaneko was tired. so tired. All she wanted was to sleep and never wake up knowing she has to repeat everything tomorrow as well and go through the same stress and trouble the next day, but she nodded up and down quickly, swallowing hard under her mother's rigid gaze.

 "Mom... uhm, c-can I hang out a little with Kenma before bed?"

 She blinked at you in slight disappointment and sighed. "Why do you even want to sit around with him now? you're supposed to be around successful people, so you can become like them. You know how important that is. I don't want you to fail."

Kaneko fought back rolling her eyes and clicking her tongue in disbelief at her mother's harsh words, I mean... that was her son too. Was she seriously calling him a failure? She knew it would be best to just nod and stay silent when facing her mother, and not answer back. She was barely able to keep her eyes open anyways, let alone speak.

A full day of working out, and studying, while also managing a volleyball team was not easy. Of course, Kaneko's mom also had her on a strict diet, leaving her a little hungry most of the time, but Kenma was able to sneak her some more food to avoid her getting malnourished. And Kuroo also usually bought her snacks and good food on their way back home. She sure was thankful for the two.

"I know... I will only say goodnight and then go to bed." She mumbled and scoffed, squeezing her fingers nervously, like she always did around her mom, waiting for her reply. "Please?"

Her mother's eyes felt like they were burning through hers before she let out an exasperated sigh and looked at the clock on the wall, 8:34 PM. She waved her hand for Kaneko to just go. "Fine, but you'll be in bed by 9:15. Now go." she said before going back to the magazine that was rested on her lap.

This was usually all the communication between Kaneko and her mother. Her mother would only ever care about 2 things, how well she did in school, and the family's reputation. It was draining to say the least. Honestly, she was thankful she had her twin brother around, he helped her unwind and relax after a long day of hard work. 

She heard clicking and video game sounds on the other side of the door.

Her knuckles met with the wooden door, and she knocked on the door of his room, in a familiar way that he recognized was hers.

 "Ken-ken? I'm here again, can I come play with you?" Mumbled the pudding head girl to the pudding head boy. Her voice was barely above a whisper from how tired she felt from today. Kenma opens the door to his room, his gaming console in his other hand as he gestures with his head for her to get inside. She smiled contently at him and entered.

"Finally done?" he asked in his usual monotone voice, going back to sit on his comfortable bed. She plopped down gently next to him. "Yeah, but I still have more work tomorrow." She played with the hem of her shirt; her gaze stuck to one place on the floor as thoughts flooded her mind.

He frowned and pursed his lips, not looking up from his game. "But it's Saturday tomorrow, a weekend." 

"I know..." I murmured and shrugged, seemingly defeated. "But what can I do?" 

"You can say no... it's not that hard." He looks up at her with furrowed eyebrows, his jaw tensing at her. "you've done nothing but obey her every word."

"But it is hard. This is our mother we're talking about, Kenma. You..." Kaneko inhaled and her voice wobbled. "You yourself know how she is." She said with a troubled look on her face, shutting her eyes and hugging her knees while trying to fight the lump tugging at her throat, making her want to cry. She has been holding it in all day.

It has always been this way. Her mother forcing her unrealistic expectations on her, and absolutely ignoring Kenma and lecturing him a lot from time to time. All she wanted was to play with her brother and Kuroo as a kid, but even then, that sick mother made her do things she didn't want to do. 

"You need to become rich and successful one day! don't let me down."

"Enough playing around! it's time to focus, or else you'll be a big failure to the family."

"Only 4 hours of studying? more. You're not tired, stop with the excuses."

Her words stuck with Kaneko ever since she was young, and it grew into this big fear of letting her down and becoming the one thing she doesn't want to see Kaneko as... a failure.

Kenma glanced up at her, pausing his game and letting out a soft groan at the state his sister was in. He rested his head on her shoulder when he realized how worried and stressed, she felt. She exhaled quietly and put her head on top of his, sitting together side by side comfortably.

 "Please, just calm down. You'll be okay... okay?" He mumbled warmly, making her take a deep breath and close her eyes. She knew Kenma wasn't the best at comforting, but she still appreciated him trying. And to her, it worked. "okay.. thanks, ken-ken."

She nuzzled her cheek into his head and breathed slowly, his hair tickling her skin. The exhaustion from today was catching up to her now, and Kaneko found herself unable to keep her eyes open, and began snoring breathing slowly, then eventually snoring softly, falling asleep to the sounds of videogame sound effects and the clicking of the PSP from her dear brother, Kenma.

Just for now, with her favorite person, forgetting about all the responsibilities she has.


hope you liked the first chapter so far :))

not that exciting and nothing special happens yet, but it's necessary to build who Kaneko is. I believe everyone struggles with things, and many of us dealt with bad things in the past, so maybe you can relate to Kaneko a bit. I know I do.

Even if you can't, that's a blessing. I just wanted to write about someone who isn't as perfect as everyone thinks, and someone who struggles. So, I hope you hang on and I promise you'll love it. 

Thanks for reading the first chapter of this story. ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

P.S!! Don't forget to eat well and drink water! ilyy

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