chap. 2 || Casual Day

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"We've got a practice match today in the gym, Chibi-chan. Why the long face?" Chirped the tall Captain, looking down at her with his usual teasing smirk. Kaneko sighed and narrowed her eyes at him. 

The wind blew through their hair as Kaneko, Kenma, and Kuroo walked to school together like they always did every day. Kaneko had a bunch of friends, it's not like she was lonely, but she was more like a floater friend to them. 

The boys' volleyball team, however, were different. She actually liked being with them after school, even though she didn't stay for long due to her heavy schedule.

"What long face? I'm perfectly fine, thank you." she retorted back, grumbling and sighing once more.

Kuroo glanced confused at Kenma, trying to figure out what was wrong, and Kenma just shrugged. Kuroo observed her scrunched up frown once more.

"You're thinking hard about something." Kuroo instantly noticed as he gazed into her eyes.

"Am not." she gasped out, crossing her arms over her chest and huffing. She was terrible at hiding how she felt. 

"Yes, you are. Your nose always scrunches up whenever you're deep into your thoughts. What's up?" He snickered and pocked her cheek before his hands found their place in his pockets, then his face turned serious.

Kaneko's mouth twitches and she grips her school bag a little tighter, nervousness plastered on her face, "just... stressed, I guess." 

Kuroo eyes the tense girl before shaking his head and reaching his pinkie finger over to hers, she looks at his hand and then up at his gentle but fierce hazel narrow eyes. They were comforting. She looked away as he intertwined his fingers with hers, holding her delicate, cold hand with his warm, big ones and squeezing softly. 

"You're not alone, I've got your back. Do you need anything?" He happily run his thumb in silly shapes on the skin of her hand. She smiled and glanced up at him, seeming to relax slightly. 

"I'll be alright, but thanks."


"Kaneko-san~! I need you to help me with this homework again!" Chimed in a girl she was acquainted with, surrounded by her minions, interrupting Kaneko from her daydreams by slamming her unfinished work onto the desk.

Kaneko blinked down in surprise at the homework that wasn't touched, except for some scribbling over wrong answers and the hearts drawn around a boy's name she might recognize. She groaned softly and grabbed the paper that was supposed to be due today to take a better look at it.

"What? again? we talked about this, Akane." Kaneko looked at the time on the wall clock, she has about 30 minutes to finish this paper before class begins, but she was having a headache and not feeling it. Internally she cringed at Akane's fake pout. 

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