Episode 17: Era of the dragon pt1. The Dragon Knight council

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-2000 years ago-
{new raven}

Inside the high castle that stood in the middle of the large populated city the council of the dragon knights held their meetings and war-room a small group of knights who served under the high king planned out tasks to retake land that was forcefully taken by rebels who didn't believe in the dragon knights anymore.
Cole the second in command held the meeting in place of the leader of the dragon knights, Cole was with a few other soldiers and dragon knights such as Ross and others.
"Alright we've been given the task to reclaim land taken by the rebels, it's our job to take these lands back it will start a war possibly but we can't just let them do what they want we still have laws" Cole explained as Ross looked around "why not let them keep? It's just a few farms we can build more" Ross stated "yea but those farms have been producing for the nation sense the beginning of time" Cole stated as ross sighed and nodded "alright fine but we need to give freedom to those who wish to have it and not be bound down by the laws of our gods" ross scoffed softy.
The knights and soldiers started to leave to prepare to head out but Cole and Ross stood in the room "why do you question everything that the high king and commander demand? You know their gonna suspect you being a rebel" Cole stated "I don't even know how you can sit there and listen to those corrupt assholes I thought we were brothers but I guess you choose to serve the high king other then keeping peace and freedoms" Ross said and walked out of the room.

-about an hour later-
{high kings throne room}

Cole has walked into the throne room and kneeled down infront of the kings throne "you summoned me your majesty?"  Cole asked before standing up "yes, it's about Ross, you need to cut your ties with him right away" the high king said and looked at Cole "why'd that if you don't mind me asking my lord" Cole asked "we have evidence that he may be conspiring to attack us with the help of the rebels I need you to take care of it" the king said.
Cole got quiet for a moment "yes sire" Cole stated before standing up and leaving the throne room.

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