Episode 93: The return of the FireFlash amd ScrimReaper!

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Josh had smirked and looked at ivar "long time no see kiddo! You've grown!" Josh said and smiled softly before walking to ivar and helping him up "I'm proud of you held your own, let me back you up" josh said as ivar nodded "that would be great" ivar said.
A bunch of Hades goons ran over to them but josh smirked "Sage art dragon fist!" Josh yelled and punched once in the chest igniting a large explosion.
Josh pulled his StormCaster out and raised it into the sky "HEAT DOME!!" Josh yelled as a large dome of heat surrounded the enemy army "fiery coffin!" Josh yelled as the dome rapidly lay closed killing a bunch of goons.

-the void-

Skyler and Azzock were still clashing as azzock pushed Skyler back, Skyler grabbed ahold of the air forming a large sword made of air "take this!" Skyler yelled and flew over to Azzock and swung the sword at him, suddenly a rift had opened sucking both azzock and Skyler through it.


Skyler and azzock come out of the rift as they crushed into the ground in the middle of the large battlefield.
Skyler looked around and smirked "finally back" Skyler laughed out.
The alliance army was being overran as Derrick looked around and gulped "RETREAT!!" Derrick yelled as the army had begun to fall back.

-a few hours-

Everyone made it back to verondal, josh looked around "place had changed sense the last time I've seen it" josh said softy "that's because it got destroyed and rebuilt" Derrick said and looked at josh "go to the medical wing" Derrick said and walked away.
Josh didn't understand why so he walked to the medical building where Nicole was helping as much people as she could.
"We have seven more coming in" a nurse shouted as josh had silently watched.
Nicole was hauling over a bunch of medical supply as josh snuck up behind her "here let me help" josh said softy, Nicole he froze thinking she was hearing things, she turned around and started tearing up seeing josh.
She jumped into his arms hugging him tightly "OH MY GOD YOUR ALIVE!!" Nicole cried out as josh had held onto her.
"Yes I am, but I'm not human anymore, I'm a god now" josh said as Nicole looked at him and smiled.

-council hall-

Derrick and gathered the others up "ok the mission was a success but also a fail, lavender was returned, but hades opened a portal to a new realm, our threat gotten worse as we are dealing with someone we do not know" Derrick said softly, josh had entered the room as Anna and Natalie looked at him shocked "josh?" Natalie asked as her and Anna stood up "yes it's me, I'm back, our enemy is known as the ancient one, Aboth he who challenged Odin all the way back to the beginning of time, has returned to wreak havoc on all living realms" josh said and looked at the others.

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