Episode 90: Demon human alliance

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-burnt down village-

Demons roamed around searching for civilians to slaughter ivar had flew in "demon art Dragon fist!!" Ivar yelled as hellfire had his fists, he punched a demon in the face hard igniting a large explosion that destroyed the surrounding houses "WHERE IS HADES!!" Ivar yelled.
The demon backed away scared "I I don't
Know!" The demon said as the flames around ivars hand grew darker and hotter his fire was being fueled by pure rage "fine if you don't tell me I send you with a message!" Ivar yelled as the demon gulped "w-what is that message?" The demon asked "for every finger he lays on my sister is the amount of times I beat his ass to a bloody fucking pulp!" Ivar yelled before punching the demon in the chest hard burning a huge hole in his chest.
The demon turned into ash as Anna had arrived "ivar?" Anna asked and looked at him, ivar turned to her and scoffed softy "what?" Ivar asked.
"I was sent to bring you to verondal, we have matters to discuss with Derrick" Anna said "I'm not going back till I find lavender and kill that god" ivar said and started to walk away "I wanna find her as much as you do, we need to regroup and make a plan of attack" Anna said and walked over and hugged ivar from behind "please we need you in verondal" Anna cried out as ivar clenched his fist "fine.." ivar said.


As civilians and the heros gathered up in the council hall ivar and Anna walked into the hall and sat down in the council seats.
Derrick stands up "as king of hell and emperor of the dragon knight empire I am making an alliance between human and my demons, I know you can't trust them, I'm not asking you to follow me and demons, but it's our only chance of survival at this point, my demons will not attack Midgard or any humans I promise that" Derrick said a softy as the civilians all agreed.
Rozgen and a group of derricks demons walk through the doors and bowed to Derrick and the council "we are here to aid you in war sire, I have demons stationed around the kingdom assisting verondal guards as well as scouts looking for our enemy and the kitsune princess" Rozgen said "thank you Rozgen" Derrick said and dismissed everyone.

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