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It was the next day, and Dream had been getting ready for the volleyball match that later day

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It was the next day, and Dream had been getting ready for the volleyball match that later day. She had asked Nicole to be her partner since let's be honest, Jeremiah isn't the best at volleyball and they hadn't spoken to her since the day before. Conrad also wasn't in the mood for the game either. Plus Belly had Taylor and Steven was with Shayla.

Later that day once they arrived at the beach, Dream was excited but also exhausted. She had been dealing with a headache worse than any other and her vision was getting slightly worse, but she hadn't told anyone. She was just gonna wait till after the game then tell Susannah and Laurel and take a nap later.

It wasn't long till the games started. They were playing in a couple minutes so Dream was getting ready for it. "Okay, we go on in 5-," Nicole starts before getting cut off when Dream stumbled almost knocking them both over. "Woah, Dream are you okay?" She asks, worried for her. Dream nods her head, clearing her throat, "Yeah, I just lost my footing for a second. I'm fine," She tries to reassure the girl and herself. Nicole nods her head but is still worried for the girl. "Okay, I'll see you out there then," Nicole tells her, before smiling at her and walking towards where they were playing.

Everything was going well, they had been in their third match now after winning the last two. Dream was sure they were gonna win this, that she was gonna win this. Until she wasn't sure anymore. It was in the middle of their third game when her vision started getting blurry again. She tried to play it off but stumbled slightly, which caused her to run into Nicole, catching the girl off guard. It was like slow motion, one second she was winning the game and the next she could barely see and it felt like the noise around her was all mushed together.

It was like she was underwater and everything was muffled. "Woah, Dream are you okay?" Nicole asked the girl but did not get a response back. Growing worried for the girl she asked her again, but still not getting any response. Then it happened. It was like slow motion, one moment everyone thought they were talking until she collapsed. Nicole trying to break her fall, grabs the girl trying to gently get her on the ground, not wanting her to get any more hurt. "Dream! Oh my god." The girl exclaims. "Somebody call 911!" She yells out.

It was like time stopped for Laurel, one moment she was cheering her daughter on as she was in the lead to her third game then the next she was on the ground with Nicole yelling for someone to call 911. "Oh my god, Dream!," She yells out, rushing to her daughter. "No, not yet. Don't take my baby yet. Please," She begs quietly, grabbing her daughter's hand. Susannah couldn't believe it. Her baby had collapsed, she wasn't ready to lose her yet. When she found out the girl had a tumor she had been silently praying that Susannah herself would go before her. She didn't want to deal with the pain of losing a daughter, and she still doesn't. She had rushed by Laurel's side, grabbing her head and silently praying for her to open her eyes.

Conrad and Steven couldn't believe it. Everything was going well, they had all been winning their games and were at that moment cheering for Dream as she did for them. Then they see her on the ground with Nicole yelling for help. Not her, not their sister. They had heard Laurel saying something about not taking her baby yet, they knew she knew something they didn't. And that's what scared them. They had run over as Shayla, Steven's girlfriend, called 911. Whatever was going on they weren't ready. Belly was in shock. Her sister was on the ground and wasn't moving. She didn't even know if she was breathing, but it terrified her. Her twin sister, her twin-flame wasn't waking up, and she didn't know why. Taylor had hugged her, trying to comfort the girl the best she could, telling her everything was gonna be okay and to not worry because everything had to be okay. It's Dream, she's gotta be okay.

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