24- Hold on

409 9 2

Minho POV 
The next morning, everyone in the glade awoke to a heavy atmosphere. Gladers didn't show up to breakfast, no one wore a smile on their face.

I walked out of my room, spotting Newt immediately. He looked even worse than yesterday evening, I don't think he got any sleep last night.

As the sun rose, Alby called a gathering for the runners (now only me and Ben) and the keepers. We were reminded that we couldn't afford to dwell on loss; survival demanded resilience.

He also told me and Ben privately that we should be on the lookout for Sages' body and any belongings and if we ended up finding anything we should bring it back in secret.

Newt, despite his grief, assumed a quiet leadership role. He guided the Gladers through their duties, offering support where needed.

Ben and I got ready to head out to the maze and start our run together.

Newt approached us, his eyes reflecting a mixture of sorrow and determination. "Be careful out there," he said, his voice low but firm.

We nodded and headed out to the maze.

After hours of searching, we stumbled upon a secluded area in the maze. There, hidden underneath the vines, we found a small collection of Sage's belongings. Ben picked up a worn notebook, while I carefully gathered a few personal items – a half-eaten sandwich, a pen, and a drawing she had made.

We wondered how it got there. Why would she leave her things alone? She usually carried her stuff in her backpack. Unless she had to flee while she had been eating.

I put her belongings inside my backpack and we slowly continued searching. Looking at the ground I suddenly saw red specks on the floor.

Suddenly Ben called for me. "Minho, you have to see this!"

I ran to see what he had found and I was taken aback. On the wall, there were huge indents of claws and not far from it, there was a big smear of blood.

Close look at the blood I could make out a handprint. That was definitely Sage.

The sight of Sage's belongings and the ominous signs on the maze walls sent shivers down our spines.

Ben and I exchanged worried glances, realizing that Sage might have encountered something far more serious than we could have imagined.

Eventually, we reached a dead-end, the maze walls closing in on us. But there, in the corner, we found something else.

"What is that?" I could see something in the corner.

It was a hastily drawn map, marked with symbols and lines that seemed to hint at a hidden path. It was Sage's handwriting.

It looked like the map of the maze, but it also wasn't. I couldn't make sense of what it was.

"We need to get back to the Glade and show this to Alby," Ben urged, his eyes wide with concern.

I nodded in agreement, carefully folding the map and securing Sage's belongings in my backpack.

AN: A shorter one, but still good, I hope? hahahahah

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