Aisha & Nabu Romance Weaknesses

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I know a bunch of people have claimed Nabu's such a Gary Stu on here and on the web anyways and that's just not true.

Season 3: 14 Nabu is in the background stalking the girls and Stella aptly calls him out on that when after Aisha confronts him that she is not impressed. And why would she be that? That was a pretty inconsiderate thing to do, technically anyway He could have come up to greet her even marching right up to her which would've been the most polite thing, "Hello, I'm the guy you're suppose to be marrying would have been way too over the borderline scary of a meet up cute for the young kids who watch this show consistently.

So they went with a scenario that was slightly inconsiderate on Nabu's part but gives Aisha long time to adjust and be more comfortable around him. Unlike the other guys who push her around like her Father, King Teredor who constantly pushes her to make hard life choices she knows she can't always see it through and it is the same with Nex. Nex keeps trying to but into her life and be her constant hero in Season 6 & 7. And that pushy clinginess is arrogance at its finest in actual boyfriends who care but cannot cope with a girl wanting to succeed in things by themselves. (I see this huge trope in boys a lot, Skylights, it's all through movies nowadays today where actual chivalry is truly dead. And Chivalry should never be silenced ever. This world needs more chivalry because with chivalrous deeds Tolerance and Respect exist along with very Passionate Love without Anger, people.)
Nabu is very very chivalrous upon Aisha's upset reaction. Most boyfriends in movies that have the girls' screaming and crying, the boyfriend would run and grab their arm and hold them down and tell them to stop crying or get their emotions under control and a bunch of a hundred other condescending cinematic lies about romance advice like you, "You don't mean what you say!"

Nabu knows Aisha clearly means what she said and he respects it. He lets her walk away and the tone of his voice is peaceful and soft and gentle not tough and harsh like those "big macho men you see in spy movies." you don't have to talk in a big  harsh voice to be a good boyfriend, guys! It's a Flat Out Myth, Boys!
The other girls are present in the scene long enough for us to hear him say this. "Wow, I usually make a better first impression than that." this tells us he expected that meeting to both go better and confirmation to us the actual audience that he's in fact imperfect.

He never should have stalked in the first place, but it's not like he was being a cyberbully stalker those are so much worse than Nabu was .

There are positive points Nabu eventually does get the chance to as Bloom calls it later in Season 4, "'Straighten things out with Aisha." After chaos settles down and they get past their arguments after he saves her twice once where his life was more at stake than hers and literally in her hands and he gets to return that favor. He dumps out the truth after she really respects him for the chivalrous hero he's proven to be to here, she humbly accepts his true story.
And in Season 4 there is a clip of them teasing each other and Nabu apparently has another weakness a bottomless stomach that Aisha clues us in on.
A third positive to this is that Nabu remembers Aisha's friends deserve his love and respect too as he has to be comfortable around them as she is around his. it is a basic romance requirement. If a guy or a girl doesn't respect your closest friends who might be protective and defensive around you then that disrespectful and unloving person isn't worth having around this should be a rule apply to in-laws as well too not just siblings but parents also, and frequently the parents' or siblings' recognition or their' son's/daughter and brother's or sisters' respectful recognition of your boyfriend or girlfriend is completely slept on in movies. Even if it's done in a movie, it's always done in the wrong way sadly, precious Skylights.

So while they start out with plenty of arguments, they do grow in trust by action rather than words.
Nabu literally puts his life in Aisha's hands when Valtor threatens to crush him. And I know everyone's probably wonder in the world were her thoughts racing through her head about the boy in the midst of the danger for her. Something even her father consistently refused to leap right into the middle of it all.
She saved him and he returns that favor by saving her in the Mistveil forest.
Chivalry and chivalrous deeds takes place within both members of this romance and that allows Aisha's scars of distrust to finally heal. She found some who respected her and trusted her with his life, showed equal respect and love to all her friends, wasn't controlling her and neither was he afraid to follow her straight into the danger zones something not for the faint of heart or the unchivalrous.

So while Musa and Riven's relationship is at 2. 1. stars The .1 is for Riven being a slightly better boyfriend than Musa gives him credit for. Stella's and Brandon's at 3.5 stars which is a much better relationship. Aisha's and Nabu's rank is actually at 6.5. It's not a 7 because as I said Nabu was stalking Aisha and he should not have done that, but I understand the mindset of the writers who set that particular meeting up. It was the least spooky route they could go within show.
Next one up is Bloom's and Sky's relationship weakness and that will be an 8.9 and then Helia's and Flora's relationship is 9.6 and Tecna's and Timmy's is 9.9 relationship those are coming up next.

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