Writing A Sestina The Final Challenge -Gabriel

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Writing A Sestina The Final Challenge

The sestina is one of the most challenging forms of poetry, but also one of the most innovative. Invented epeats a series otsy, is even der than the sonnet. Rather than rhyming, the sestina vepesis a serfere six words, one at the end of each line. Each stanza contains these same words in a different order.

For example, say you're writing a sestina about the beach. You use the end-words sand, wave, sun, shell, seaweed, and beach in your first stanza:

The gentle white sand
disappears under the wave
as it splashes. The sun
has yet to break through the shell of fog.
I grab a handful of seaweed
and run with it along the beach.

Let's number each of the end-words: sand is 1, wave is 2, sun is 3, shell is 4, seaweed is 5, and beach is 6. The next five stanzas contain the same end-words, only in a different order. The second stanza goes 6,1,5,2,4,3. It might read something like this:

After a while, the beach
gets crowded. People are kicking sand
on our towels. I want to tie them up in seaweed
for doing that! Suddenly, the waves
grow bigger, so I put my special shell
under my towel to keep it away from the sun.

Got it? Here are the structures of the first six stanzas:

Got it? Here are the structures of the first six stanzas:

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The seventh stanza is a little different. It has only three lines, each of which uses two of the end-words in their original order. For example, the final stanza of our beach sestina might sound like this:
I wipe the sand from my feet and hear the roar of the waves.
The sun is sinking, but I still have the lucky shell I found in the seaweed during our day at the beach.

By now you can tell that there's a lot of play involved in a sestina. Using the same words over and over again and trying to sound natural takes a lot of inventiveness!

Writing Exercise Prompt
Take two days to write a sestina. Be sure to follow the structure. Hint: Nouns are the most accommodating end-words, since they can be used in lots of different ways. This is especially true for nouns that can be made into verbs, like pile, picture, or dress.

Note: Traditionally, the lines of a sestina are ten syllables long. However, for our purposes we have simplified the form. Feel free to use the traditional form if you like.

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