Flat And Round Characters

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Flat characters want only one simple thing: Sherlock Holmes wants to solve a mystery; Miss Havisham wants revenge against men.

Round characters, in contrast, want something complicated, ineffable, or ambiguous. They may be conflicted about what they want, often to the point that they have no clear idea what they're actually looking for. -Professor James Hynes. (That's actually what Electra appears to me now as since you've improved her internal character conflict she is a round character now and that means she is complex and yet connectable like another human is relatable. -Lumna10.)

Perhaps with the previous things being said, the most important distinction between flat characters and round characters has to do without people write their conflicts as the examples of two options of a flat characters' separate conflicts in fiction. A useful generalization here is that all characters are driven by something. All characters have some stake in the narrative of yours. - Professor James Hynes.

An example of what a round character is below, Skylights.

With Anna Karenina, for example, not only is it hard for the reader to pin down what's driving her, but Anna herself can't articulate exactly what's lacking in her life. She wants her lover, Count Vronsky, yet having him doesn't satisfy her. Her desperation grows as the costs of leaving her husband and losing her child mount up. There's something unreachable in Anna that makes her frustrating, poignant, and supremely human. -Professor James Hynes.

Whereas with Flat characters they can just be a background character and only get a single sentence mentioning them and their demeanor -Lumna10. For example, "'A sour waiter brought her a cup of coffee.'" is describing a flat character from one circumstance. By doing things like this you can create and build up a richer, fuller world in whatever fiction you write whether it is fantasy or historical fiction. -Professor James Hynes

Flat Characters.
They are often constructed round a single idea or quality.

History to that previous fact is below.
The distinction between round and flat characters was formulated by the English novelist E. M. Forster in his book Aspects of the Novel. According to Forster, flat characters are sometimes called humorous types or caricatures; their chief distinguishing feature is that they have only one chief distinguishing feature. As Forster puts it, "They are constructed round a single idea or quality."

The works of Charles Dickens are famously full of flat characters: the conniving and oily Uriah Heep in David Copperfield; the brutal criminal Bill Sikes in Oliver Twist; and Miss Havisham in Great Expectations, who was abandoned at the altar on her wedding day and has set herself apart from the rest of the world ever since.

We might even think of such characters as the sort of people found in sitcoms: the clueless dad, the wacky neighbor, the gay best friend, the wisecracking child. Such characters are often just machines for delivering or setting up jokes, and the moment they appear on screen, we know exactly what to expect. Indeed, it's that quick identification and the sudden anticipation of something funny that often makes such characters so popular. They may be simple and predictable, but they are also reliably satisfying. - Professor James Hynes.

(He hardly means gay best friend as a sexual lover. The first and true old definition of the english word is happy. I currently really don't care all that much if all you want to do is hang out with your same sex. But my issue is why do you have to push marriage to your partner? You don't actually need it! You're all set and if you are worried about not being able to visit your partner during their stay in a hospital before that happens make sure you are each others' emergency contacts and regardless of your relationship you should be allowed to visit your soul sister or soul brother.  I worry less about the people of the LGBT community it's not your fault. Our ancestors messed up the world and none of you weren't meant to be as abnormal as you're made out to be. To me I could never be mad at any one of those community members. I'm way more mad at men who make women feel so helpless and depressed they are forced to feel like abortions are the only option. It's not. I'm more mad at abortion clinics than other big political issue. Abortion is the top death for children right here in Charlotte, North Carolina. Abortion does more damage though than just killing off the unborn child. The women who go through it are shaken with a regretful internal shame they have time getting past. Abortion is not because the Mom is dumb it's because the Fathers and men don't care to help with their children down here being involved in their childhood. Giving birth maybe the Mom's job. But both parents should naturally form a bond with their child. This bond is not optional for either parents. You can still love your child even if you do not raise them.

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