Character Flaws 11-21 out of 100 Character Flaws

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The 11 Character Flaws discussed within this chapter.
#11 Paranoia
#12 Overprotectiveness
#13 Dishonesty
#14 Recklessness
#15 Pessimism
#16 Insecurity
#17 Vengefulness
#18 Conformity
#19 Stubbornness
#20 Melancholy
#21 Narcissism

Many of these can often times do overlap with each other even in real life.

Many of these can often times do overlap with each other even in real life

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11. Paranoia
Paranoia is unjustified suspicion and mistrust of others. (Can connect into Pessimism and Cynicism too.)
Why is it interesting?: Paranoia can create intense psychological drama and mystery, making the readers question the character's perspective.
Example: Winston Smith in "1984" by George Orwell. His paranoia, although justified in his dystopian world, leads to tension and a gripping plot.

Key questions: What triggers his paranoia? How does he cope with it?
How does his paranoia affect his relationships and decisions?

Key questions: What triggers his paranoia? How does he cope with it?How does his paranoia affect his relationships and decisions?

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12. Overprotectiveness
Overprotectiveness is an excessive desire to protect someone, often to the point of being controlling.

Example: I have a personalized one from this my own Dad is so filled with strictness that it becomes Overprotectiveness towards me that it often feels way too controlling. And his pressure is Oppressive mentally and he won't even recognize this flaw in there in him.

Example: Marilla Cuthbert in "Anne of Green Gables" by L.M.
Montgomery. Her overprotectiveness of Anne creates both heartwarming and challenging dynamics in their relationship.

Anakin in Revenge of The Sith it's not about him being jealousy zealous over Padame's affection unironically Anakin's flaws in Revenge of The Sith are different from the Ones he had during The Clone Wars Series & The Attack of The Clones Movie.
His Revenge of The Sith flaws are Paranoia an unjustified mistrust of Obi Wan Kenobi (You only see that flaw creep up once in The Clone Wars Tv Show and it doesn't return till the ending scene of Revenge of The Sith.) and Overprotectiveness.
Being too Cling is the first sign that you might be too controlling become Oppressive and these signs lead straight into Overprotectiveness.

Key questions: Who is she overprotective of, and why? How does her overprotectiveness manifest? What conflicts have arisen because of her overprotectiveness?

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