Meetings and discussions

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My ears perk up at a familiar voice from outside my room, prompting me to pause in the sharpening of my sword.

'Where have I heard that voice before ?' I ask myself in confusion, lifting a hand to run it thought my dirty blonde beard, being mindful of my braids and beads.

My eyes narrow as I hear the voice insult my nephew , so I stand up. I re sheathed my sword in its proper place and grab my bow and arrows which I place over my broad shoulder. I leave my cloak and make my way to the door, opening it slowly... which causes the voices outside that where laughing to quieten.

"Bilbo! You never told me you had visitors!" I hear a voice exclaim in shock, booming in the hallway much to my annoyance. How dare he enter our home and raise his voice like that? Does he have no respect for my nephew?

I slowly push the door and glare at the dwarfs? That are in my space. What are 13 dwarfs and a wizard doing in a tiny hobbit hole. In my nephews hobbit hole?

I turn my head fast as a gasp is heard from the crowd of dwarfs, prompting me to reach out and gently grab my shaking nephews hand to tug him gently to me. He comes without fuss. Standing slightly behind me for protection.

"Irakdashat ( nephew ) it's okay" I hum quietly to the hobbit, my voice deep as stones and as soothing as can be at this obviously stressful time.

" Frerin?" I hear a deep voice call out my name, the voice that caught my attention before, the one that was insulting my nephew. This tone now filled with sorrow... obvious confusion and heartbreak.

I turn my Ice blue eyes slowly to the dwarf that called my name, slightly confused as I find my eyes locked on a pair of identical eyes to my own. This dwarf seems older than me by a few years... has hair as long as my own and dark as the night sky compared to my golden blonde. His beard is shorter than my own braided one, he's as tall as me, slightly less broad. How do I know him? He knows my name yet I don't know him?

" Khuzd (Dwarf) " I greet coldly, lip curling up as he flinches at my tone, his company crowding around him in protection. I pull bilbo behind me even more, my boots firmly planted on the ground. " I don't know you or your dwarrow... yet you have invaded my nephews den... with insults and rudeness" I sneer angrily, cracking my neck to the side as I get up ready for a fight.

" Uncle frerin it's okay ..... " Bilbo soothes me, rubbing his hand on my arm to try and calm me down. I watch as this dwarfs eyes flashes with anger at the familiar way bilbo is with me, his teeth opening up in a snarl of rage.

I hiss back angrily and puff myself up to size, shielding Bilbo with my bulk alone, my golden locks fanning around my angry face.... Beads clinking.

"Now there is no need for that laddie" A grey haired older Dwarf exclaims over my Snarls of anger, watching as me and his leader square off against each other.

"Naddith"( brother that is young) the dwarf hisses out to me, making me look at him in confusion, this dwarf is no kin of mine. I frown and glare at him, only to blink as he sends me the same exact glare back.

"You're no kin of mine Khuzd (Dwarf) " I snap harshly at him in absolute denial, fists clenching at my side as the company of dwarfs whisper at the leaders confession. " I would know..." I trail off coldly.

" Gandalf tell me I'm not seeing things... Balin?" The make questions his company desperately, never taking his eyes off my person for one second. " Look at him.... Fili is his double! .... How is it possible that my Naddith (brother that is young) does not remember me? Who he is?" The dwarf adds out loud, gesturing to the two young dwarfs at his sides.

My eyes flicker to them quickly, blinking in shock as I spot the blonde golden hair so much like my own and the eyes that are a carbon copy of my own.... And the moustache and beard . He's strong obviously as all dwarfs are, but he holds himself kindly... no arrogance . His eyes hold playfulness and maturity. This young dwarf does look like me.... He seems familiar to. This must be the Fili the dwarf was speaking about.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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